60° Shapes

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Why quilters love Inklingo for 60° shapes.

There are at least 7 reasons. . .

Inklingo 300 Pieced Hexagons

1. Unusual & Beautiful Designs

Follow any pattern or use the time you save to create exciting settings and color combinations. The design book (free with hexagon shapes) will inspire you.

The extra half and quarter shapes are great for 300 Pieced Hexagons, Millefiore Quilts (Katja Marek), Candied Hexagons, or VariHex.


2. Simple to Decide How Much Fabric

There are diagrams in every shape collection that show how many shapes you can cut from a yard of fabric.

3. Easy to Cut

No measuring. No templates. Use a rotary cutter or scissors. No expensive
cutting machines are required—and there are stitching lines and matching marks printed on every shape!

4. Sew with a Running Stitch or by Machine

Sew with a running stitch instead of whip-stitching over templates with English Paper Piecing! It is more portable, more fun, more precise, and faster! And the stitches don’t show on the front!

If you want to sew by machine, choose the larger sizes. The design book
includes instructions for continuous stitching by hand, precision machine
piecing, and how to combine hand and machine piecing (hybrid piecing) for the best of both worlds—speed and portability.

5. Fussy Cut

Yes, you can Fussy Cut (Fussy Print) with Inklingo. This is especially popular with quilters making Lucy Boston Patchwork of the Crosses (POTC).


6. Print scraps and Jelly Rolls

Monkey shows you how to print on Jelly Rolls and scraps on the All About Inklingo blog. It is one of the Top 10 Tutes.


7. You can finish an EPP UFO with Inklingo!

“English Paper Piecing Rescue” is one of the most popular pages on the website!


8. Sew Hexagons by Machine for Grandmother’s Flower Garden

The website has grown to thousands of pages.

There is a wonderful Search feature at the top of every page to help you find wonderful information about diamonds.

Search on Inklingo.com

When I search for hexagons there are pages and pages of hits.

These are just a few of my favorites to get you started:

Upgrade your Hexagon Quilt Design – 6 Ways  It includes a list of videos.

Custom Sizes for Inklingo Hexagons

Advantages of English Paper Piecing

Index of Shapes – Hexagons

Anything You Can Draw on Freezer Paper – Pieced Hexagons

Showing 25–46 of 46 results