Index of Shapes – Curves
Inklingo curves are the easiest curves you will ever stitch! The precise stitching lines and matching marks make curves easier than ever before.
This is a BIG category! See the Main Shapes with Curves Page in the Shop.
Hexagons Diamonds Triangles Polygons Appliqué Millefiori
Please scroll down for a free PDF and videos related to cutting and sewing curves.
Click on the image galleries for a larger view too.
The related shapes (long half, short half, quarter) offer more design opportunities and a choice of finishing with straight edges.
0.4375 to 2.0 inch 15 sizes to match Perfect Circles® by Karen Kay Buckley
2.125 to 4.5 inch 15 sizes to match Bigger Perfect Circles® by Karen Kay Buckley
1.5 inch for finger pin cushion in Hexagon 1.25 inch shape collection
1.5 inch for finger pin cushion in Diamond 0.5 inch shape collection
1.5 inch for finger pin cushion in Hexagon 0.5 inch shape collection
1.5 inch for finger pin cushion in Apple Core 2 inch shape collection
1.5 inch in all Dresden Plate shape collections
1.5 inch in Grand Désert 75% shape collection
1.5 inch in Colonial Garden shape collection
2.0 inch in Grand Désert 100% shape collection (includes half circle)
2.41 inch in Sunflower 6 inch shape collection (includes half and quarter)
2.5 inch in all Dresden Plate shape collections
2.5 inch in Grand Désert 125% shape collection
3.0 inch in Grand Désert 150% shape collection (includes half)
4.95 inch in Sunflower 12 inch shape collection (includes half and quarter)
If you are interested in the companion shapes or sashing, please let me know.
2 inch Whole clamshell only
2.5 inch Whole clamshell only
3 inch Whole clamshell only
3.5 inch Whole clamshell only
4 inch Whole clamshell only
6 inch Whole clamshell only
3 inch Clamshell Edges
4 inch Clamshell Edges
3 inch Clamshell Sashing
6 inch Clamshell Pickle
9 inch Clamshell Pickle
11 inch Clamshell Pickle
4 inch Clamshell Rose (includes Clamshell 4 inch)
See the Cleopatra’s Fan Quilt Design Book (download) for a complete description.
4.5 inch Cleopatra’s Fan
6 inch Cleopatra’s Fan
9 inch Cleopatra’s Fan
12 inch Cleopatra’s Fan
12 inch Double Wedding Ring
This collection includes shapes for plain and pieced arcs (1, 4 or 8 middle sections) and shapes for plain or pieced centers. This is a very big collection. See all the details in the downloadable Double Wedding Ring Design Book.
This collection includes a choice of MANY different blades. See the Dresden Plate Design Book for a complete description. All of the blocks finish at 9 or 10 inches.
Dresden Plaate Appliqué See more of the blades on that page.
This collection includes a choice of MANY different blades. See the Dresden Plate Design Book for a complete description. All of the blocks finish at 9 inches.
Basic Pieced See more of the blades on that page.
Also see New York Wheel (below).
This collection includes a choice of MANY different blades. See the Dresden Plate Design Book for a complete description. The blocks finish at 9, 12, or 15 inches.
The block shown here is called Farmer’s Fancy or Farmer’s Delight.
NOTE: All of the shapes in the Dresden Plate – Pieced Basic collection are included in this collection.
Fancy Pieced See more designs on that page.
2 inch Drunkard’s Trail
3 inch Drunkard’s Trail
4 inch Drunkard’s Trail
6 inch Drunkard’s Trail
Each Drunkard’s Trail shape collection includes 3 basic shapes and 2 bonus shapes.
There is also a design book (download) on the Main Drunkard’s Path Page.
12 inch rings
16 inch rings
There is also a Golden Wedding Ring Design Book (download) on the Main Golden Wedding Ring Page.
1.5 inch add-on for petals
2.5 inch with petals
The plates in this design are similar to Dresden Plate.
6.75 inch plate Le Grand Désert 75%
9 inch plate Le Grand Désert 100%
11.25 inch plate Le Grand Désert 125%
13.5 inch plate Le Grand Désert 150%
6 inch blocks NYB01 This is a variation of Sunflower.
6 inch blocks NYB02 This is a variation of Sunflower.
6 inch blocks NYB03 This is a variation of Sunflower.
There are alternate corners and quarter circles which can also be used with NYB 01 and NYB 02 to simplify the blocks a little.
6 inch blocks NYW6 This is a variation of Dresden Plate, New York Beauty, and Sunflower.
The shapes can be used with any of the New York Beauty shape collections for even more variations. This shape collection was used in the Case of the Secret Garden Mystery Quilt (COTSG)
12 inch Pickle Dish)
This collection includes everything you need to make a Pickle Dish quilt but does not have all of the arc and center variations in the Double Wedding Ring shape collection. Some quilters prefer to buy the Double Wedding Ring collection with the Pickle Dish Add-on to have maximum choice.
12 inch Add-on includes the triangles only to be used with the Double Wedding Ring shape collection.
The add-on collection includes the three triangle shapes for Pickle Dish arcs. See the Double Wedding Ring Design Book for more details about the shapes.
NOTE The Pickle Dish “triangles” are not really triangles because one side of each is curved.
The 6 and 12 inch Shape Collections can be used together to make Double Sunflowers.
6 inch blocks
12 inch blocks
Also see New York Beauty!
See the Winding Ways Design Book (download) for a complete description of the sizes and shapes. There is also a beautiful new hardcover Winding Ways book (April 2021).
3 inch Winding Ways
3 inch Deluxe Winding Ways
4.5 inch Winding Ways
4.5 inch Deluxe Winding Ways
6 inch Winding Ways
6 inch Deluxe Winding Ways
9 inch Winding Ways 9.0)
9 inch Deluxe Winding Ways
12 inch Winding Ways
12 inch Deluxe Winding Ways
Main Shapes with Curves Page
When you print the stitching lines, matching marks, crosshairs, and precision corners with Inklingo, it is easy to align the pieces and stitch accurately with very little pinning, whether you sew by machine or by hand.
Some of my best tips for sewing curves by machine are included in this free 4 page PDF.
Click to view the PDF in your browser, or
Right Click and choose Save As to download and save to your hard drive. (Remember where you put it!)