Sewing Kit
I have been having fun getting a summer sewing kit ready, so I can sew as many of the 300 Inklingo Pieced Hexagons as my heart desires.
Monkey and the chipmunks are waiting for me on the front porch.
If you get a sewing kit ready, I think you will enjoy our Wednesday Tutes even more.
I picked a few fabrics from my stash.
Inklingo cutting and stitching lines show beautifully on the dark brown fabric and some of the shapes in the design give a fussy cut effect.
I am using up some beige-y/gold scraps too.
There is a choice of several sizes but I decided to make Pieced Hexagons with 1.5 inch 60° Diamonds and related shapes.
I chose a few Custom Page Sizes and started printing. Most of the 10 designs illustrated in the free PDF posted last time use 3 or 6 of each shape, so I printed sheets that give me sets of 6 shapes. For example, with 1.5 inch:
- Diamonds – 6 in 4.25 x 7.75
- Diamonds – 12 in 6 x 9.75
- Diamonds – Half – 24 in 8.25 x 10.5
- Triangles – 30 in 8 x 11.5
- Triangles – Half AB – 24 in 4.25 x 11.5
There are many other suggested Custom Page Sizes in the shape collections too.
How to print on fabric best tips is under the Top Ten Tutes tab (above).
I can use a rotary cutter to cut rows, stack the rows, and cut several layers at a time or I can use scissors if I need it to be portable.
It will all work out because I can mix and match the shapes.
I loaded up my Smartlap Portable Desk. (More about Smartlap here.)
I was going to wait until I could sit on the front porch, but it was irresistible. I sewed a few while I was watching Foyle’s War on PBS on Sunday night. (New series. Hooray! The scriptwriter is brilliant.)
You may have noticed that this is Wednesday Tute 03. You can go back and start with the first one.
- 300 Inklingo Pieced Hexagons
- Wednesday Tute 01 (with video) (free PDF to download)
- Wednesday Tute 02 (also with video)
- Friday bonus – Pieced Hexagons to Color (free PDF to download)
- Wednesday Tute 03
- Pieced Hexagon Poetry
- Wednesday Tute 04 (inset seams)
- Wednesday Tute 05 (finished sizes of the shapes)
- Wednesday Tute 06 (how to count hexagons)
- Wednesday Tute 07 (settings for Pieced Hexagons)
Do you have a portable project ready for the summer?—or winter, if you are south of the equator? Do you know quilters who like Pieced Hexagon designs?
Please “like” Inklingo and tell your friends on Facebook about the new Wednesday Tutes! It is not too late to jump in.
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See you next Wednesday—if not before. Thank you for visiting.
Linda & Monkey
New to Inklingo? Order and download free shapes and start sewing in the next few minutes. There are triangles, diamonds, and squares in the free collection—great for dozens of different blocks.
Hi Linda and Monkey!
Just an addition to the travelling sewing kit – I use two small plastic finger plaster boxes – one for the cut fabrics and one for the small scissors, thread, pin cushion and needles – sits in a small handbag quite easily!
bonjour,pourriez vous donner les explications en Français? j’aime les patch mais ne peux les reproduire;merci et bonne journée
I think I’ll use that $10 coupon and order the book and all needed to make the Lucy Bishop Patchwork of Crosses as seen on the link to Quilt Blogger. Her bright white and aqua has my eyes tearing for one of my own… mostly elongated hexies and smaller squares, and a few other shapes at intersections… her fussy cut centers makes it so perfect with your video technique and preprinting …. no paper mess… Unless I find I can’t sew straight…hahahaha
I’m homeward bound with very mixed emotions. I am in the airport and missing my brother already. On the bright side…CHARLIE! and INKLINGO hexies. I have 3 hugh tubs filled with blue fabric. I really want to use this up, my BG will be whie, I still have a bolt of it in a pillowcase.
Hugs to all,
The pieced hexagons are way too addictive. Way, way, way too addictive. I’m trying so hard to stay focused on just a few things but I can tell that resistance is futile!
Oooh — a new Foyle’s War?? I missed it. I hope they show a rerun!
I love this design…beautiful!