I have stacks of shapes printed and cut and ready to sew on the front porch.
The weather is perfect for it, and the chipmunks have been visiting my windowsill.
I might even get lucky and catch a photo of one of the babies.
The fabric is decided, and the shapes are perfect.
With Inklingo, I can print and rotary cut the shapes quickly. It makes the prep so easy that I can always be ready to sew on a lovely summer day.
This interlude is brought to you by Christopher Marlowe (1591) & Monkey (2013).
Was this the face that launch’d a thousand ships,
And burnt the topless towers of Ilium?
Sweet Helen, make me immortal with a kiss.
Her lips suck forth my soul: see where it flies!
Come, Helen, come, give me my soul again.
Here will I dwell, for heaven is in these lips,
. . . . . . Doctor Faustus (Christopher Marlowe 1591)
You can still catch up before the next Wednesday Tute:
- 300 Inklingo Pieced Hexagons
- Wednesday Tute 01 (with video) (free PDF to download)
- Wednesday Tute 02 (also with video)
- Friday bonus – Pieced Hexagons to Color (free PDF to download)
- Wednesday Tute 03
- Pieced Hexagon Poetry
- Wednesday Tute 04 (inset seams)
- Wednesday Tute 05 (finished sizes of the shapes)
- Wednesday Tute 06 (how to count hexagons)
- Wednesday Tute 07 (settings for Pieced Hexagons)
300 Pieced Hexagon Designs? Yes
Pick a size and choose the ones you like the best!
Please “like” Inklingo and tell your friends on Facebook about the new Wednesday Tutes! It is not too late to jump in.
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See you Wednesday—if not before. Thank you for visiting.
Linda & Monkey
New to Inklingo? Order and download free shapes and start sewing in the next few minutes. There are triangles, diamonds, and squares in the free collection—great for dozens of different blocks.
Hi, Linda! Have not quilted anything(!) since moving from Michigan, but your new endeavor might get met back on board. Give Monkey a squeeze for me!
Nan (yoganan, formerly from St. Joseph, MI)
To sew, or not to sew… Is Inklingo the question?
Whether tis by hand or machine, it blows the mind to think
How easy it is to sew in the house, or on the porch, outrageous hexes
And with Inklingo patterns, oppose a sea of UFOs and finish them!
I <3 hexagons… Thanks for today's poem Monkey!