Inklingo International Quilt Report

The web site is better than ever today, thanks to Inklingo quilters around the world. This is a report from Norway, Canada, Austria, and the USA.


Berit Hansen Gilde in Norway translated the Download Instructions and the Quick Start Guide into Norwegian for us! The generosity and kindness of Inklingo quilters is quite amazing. I am very pleased to have an authentic translation from the land of Norse legends, fjords, trolls, reindeer, and the midnight sun. Thank you, Berit!

Seven special Inklingoists have given me permission to add photos of their newest Inklingo quilt tops on the web site too. Click on each one to see a larger view.

Cathi in Toronto designed and hand pieced Cameron’s Windmills with one-inch half hexagons from the Inklingo One Inch Hexagon Shape Collection. If you haven’t already, you need to subscribe to Cathi’s blog, Quilt Obsession, and order her free pattern for Emma’s Butterfly Stars, which she made for Cameron’s big sister. Cameron is only a couple of days old and already has a quilt from Aunt Cathi. If we ask, maybe Cathi will write up how to sew this one too!

Deanna Ahern in Michigan has completed her Insanity Quilt Top with 10,339 tiny hexagons (0.5 inch sides). Yes, that’s right 10,339. She was inspired by a quilt on the cover of Australian Patchwork & Quilting. I wonder how many quilters have started this amazing, impressive design. Deanna actually finished it.

Jutta in Austria has made a spectacular Aunt Clara Quilt with the 90-degree one-inch hexagons (Inklingo Lite # 4).  This is the same shape collection that we use for Lucy Boston Patchwork of the Crosses. I love the way the color dances across this quilt!

Kathy Timmons in Nashville is the absolute, undisputed Queen of Fussy Cutting. These are just two of the many Inklingo Feathered Star blocks she has made with fussy cut owls. The rest of Kathy’s Feathered Stars (and other amazing blocks) are in the photo albums of the Inklingo Yahoo group. “Seeing Kathy’s Stash in person” is on my bucket list.

Martha in NY lives on an island. Maybe that is why she chose Inklingo Storm At Sea. I have a feeling that Martha would be an artist at heart no matter where she lives. Her use of color is wonderful. You can follow her creative life on her blog, Quilt Contemplation.

Mary in Wisconsin has already made six 15 inch Feathered Star blocks. Some of Mary’s other Inklingo quilts have been featured on the blog before. I wish we could all be in Wisconsin this week to see Mary’s One Woman Quilt Show in person. For now, we have to settle for seeing the her Inklingo quilts online—here. Congratulations, Mary. We are very proud of you!


Sue Hodge in NY made this Rainbow Flower. It is the newest shape collection, less than two weeks old. Sue is a good friend and a longarm quilter. She has done a few quilts for me. Don’t you love the fussy cut butterflies and the curvy edge? Sue sewed this partly by hand and partly by machine—an Inklingo hybrid. (Click on the quilt to see the butterflies up close.)

Thank you, Berit, Cathi, Deanna, Jutta, Kathy, Martha, Mary, and Sue for inspiring us and keeping us energized.

Isn’t it wonderful that such talented quilt artists are using Inklingo to bring their designs to life? And that we can share all around the globe?

I will pass your comments along to these eight Inklingo friends. Thank you for visiting, from your corner of the world. Oh!—when you leave your comment, please tell us where you are, okay?

Linda & Monkey, in Burlington, Ontario
. . . Canada, North America, Earth, Milky Way
(Sorry, couldn’t resist.)

New to Inklingo? Order and download free shapes and start sewing in the next few minutes. Quick Start  (Always FREE.) There are triangles, diamonds, and squares  in the free collection—great for dozens of different blocks.

7 thoughts on “Inklingo International Quilt Report”

  1. Linda, I had a vacation day yesterday, and even though I’ve been on the fabric wagon since 2001, I still like to visit all the shops I come across, little windows into each owners soul if you will.

    I was SO tickled to find Harbor Quilts in Aberdeen Washington has a new owner, Sue Rausch, who has instituted a monthly hand-piecing club. And guess what they are using? INKLINGO! March 14th 1:30-3:00 is the first class and they will be making the writing table quilt.

    She doesn’t have a website yet, but the number is 360-532-1200 if you are ever down below with some cell minutes to spend. Not that I’d ever wish to take you away from Monkey’s biography.
    hugs, Sharyn in Kalama

  2. Deanna’s Insanity Quilt is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! Wonderful work. My Insanity quilt is on hold for a while. I’m still only on the center diamonds, but I am not working on this quilt at this time, I’m working on 2 Double Ring quilts (hand piecing). Congratulations Deanna, what an accomplishment………………… Lynda Lois

  3. Jutta in Austria has indeed made an amazing quilt. I’ve had that design on my mind lately. There’s one like it (but larger) that Ann Champion showed on her blog recently (if I have my designs correct).

    Real stunning work, Jutta.

  4. I am usually in Panama but I am writing from rainy London. Thank you Linda for showing us these gorgeous quilts. Each one so different – they really show the amazing range of quilts you can make using Inklingo. Congratulatins one and all,

    From Panama

  5. Wowie Zowie!!! My mouth is hanging open in awe of these insanely talented quilters using Inklingo to achieve such beauty… Congratulations to you all! This is so insipiring!

    Donna Lucas
    Socks Knocked Off in Cincinnati, Ohio
    U.S.A., North America, and Over the Moon!!


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