Free Cheat Sheet for Carolina Lily Quilt Block

A new Inklingo quilter recently asked me what to print for one 9 x 9 inch Carolina Lily block. She has

She wants to make a pretty, small wall hanging with one block.


We prepared Monkey’s Cheat Sheet for her (and you). It is an easy way to stay organized no matter what design you are sewing.

Blank Cheat Sheets are included in most shape collections. There is also an example on the website under the Support tab (with lots of other good stuff).



Even with only two or three fabrics, counting the pieces required from each fabric can be confusing, but it all becomes clear if you cut up a worksheet.

  • Make a copy of the worksheet with your design.
  • Put the original of the design in a safe place. Do not cut it up.
  • Cut the copy of the worksheet into sections or blocks (above).
  • Sort the blocks into identical piles.
  • Record the number of each block and the number of each unit (one column for each unit).
  • Record the final count on Monkey’s Cheat Sheet.

This method even works for very complicated designs. Now all you have to do is look up efficient custom paper sizes and the yardage requirements in the Catalogue of Shapes and record them on Monkey’s Cheat Sheet.


Printing Custom Sizes allows you to use fabric very efficiently. There are suggestions for each layout illustrated in the Catalogue of Shapes.

If you need a quantity that is not listed, or if you are working with irregular scraps of fabric, you can print on scrap paper first to set a good size.



  1. Count your blessings.
  2. Cut apart the worksheet to make it easy to identify how many you need of each shape in each fabric.
  3. Use a pencil to fill out Monkey’s Cheat Sheet. Monkey is in charge of the eraser.
  4. Save your Cheat Sheets in an Inklingo binder.


Whether you are a new quilter or a professional designer, Inklingo makes your life easier.

Choose your design and  prepare a worksheet and a summary on Monkey’s Cheat Sheet (or similar) for your own custom Inklingoable pattern.

You can rely on the detailed instructions for cutting, sewing, and pressing in the design books and the shape collections.


Click here to download the free Carolina Lily Cheat Sheet (2 page PDF).

The downloadable PDF is oriented so you can read it on the computer, but if you print it, choose Landscape mode.

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Let the fun begin!

Linda & Monkey

New to Inklingo? Order and download free shapes and start sewing in the next few minutes. Quick Start (Always FREE.) There are triangles, diamonds, and squares in the free collection—great for dozens of different blocks.

$10 Coupon!  6 Year Anniversary Special on the handbook

Inklingo for Beginners

Inklingo Quiz – Just for Fun!

5 thoughts on “Free Cheat Sheet for Carolina Lily Quilt Block”

  1. Thank you so much.

    I just LOVE Monkey’s Cheat Sheet–it keeps me so organized! Before the Cheat Sheet my printing notes were scribbled all over the place. I’ve printed out bunches of the Sheets to keep them handy so when I get a design idea I’m ready to jot the info down. Sometimes the Cheat Sheets have the information for just one block, sometimes for a whole project.

    One bit of information that i add to my Cheat Sheets, in parentheses after the freezer paper size, is how many shapes are printed on that size freezer paper. For example, 5 x 5.5 Portrait (6x)–the 6x is 6 times of that shape. This information isn’t required, but it keeps me on track in case I decide to print just a block or two from a whole project.

    ~Jillian in North Dakota

  2. Hi Jojo! I’m glad it helped. We love cheat sheets at our house. Linda wouldn’t ever get anything done (or anything done right) without writing it all down. Lists and cheat sheets everywhere. There’s hardly room for me. Love, Monkey

  3. Thank you so much for this posting. I am a visual person and didn’t ‘get’ the cheat sheet until I looked at your sample above. Walla! Light bulb moment. 🙂


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