Welcome back! This is our 10th Wednesday Tute with tips for designing and sewing with Inklingo.
We’re feeling inspired about making a Double Wedding Ring for the NYC Mod Quilter’s Double Wedding Ring Challenge.
October 2022 – Several Inklingo quilters entered quilts in the contest in 2013. The links to the info about the contest are out of date, so I am deleting links and other info.
Double Wedding Ring Quilts look great with a scalloped binding, but there are many variations and choices.
With Inklingo, each arc in a ring can be 1, 3, 5, 6, or even 10 pieces. There is a Pickle Dish arc too. (Examples on the blog.)
Today’s examples all have simple rings (arcs) to keep the emphasis on the edges.
Whether modern or traditional, these are the two most common edge treatments.
The scalloped binding on the left is easier because it doesn’t have the extra-pointy corners to bind.
On the other hand, DWR is a very special design, so the binding deserves special consideration too. Pointy? Not pointy?
That’s Robert Kaufman “Damask Rose” in the fussy cut centers.
If you can’t make up your mind, why not mix the pointy/not pointy bits in the same quilt? These are symmetrical, but there isn’t a law about that either.
You just need to print enough of the corner shapes. The info in the Double Wedding Ring Design Book ($10 or free) includes details on how to count the shapes. Quick and easy.
This variation appeals to me too. It is less common.
A scalloped binding is my favorite. I painstakingly sewed scallops on my Quilted Diamonds quilt, Love & Friendship, and on my Dear Jane quilt, In Time of Friendship. It looked great and even won a First Place Ribbon at the AQS Show in Paducah.
My instructions for sewing a scalloped binding have been on the website since 1999.
Don’t let the prospect of a curved edge discourage you.
TIP If you are not sure that you can do a good scalloped edge, consider doing a simpler edge really well. A messy binding can detract unfairly from a great quilt.
Another bonus is that once you have a straight edge, additional borders can be anything!
(Note: The Inklingo Double Wedding Ring shape collection does not include the half melons around this edge, so you would print whole melons and trim to half-plus-seam-allowance, or print a template on Freezer Paper.)
Double Wedding Ring is fabulous with a straight edge too!
Double Wedding Ring could even be the border on a center of “something else!”
There are more border ideas in the video below.
If I was going to get fancy with this edge, I would want to be sure to have lots of contrast, so the binding would really pop. This edge would be very difficult to bind, so consider a facing instead.
Now that you have seen a few possibilities, I think you might look at the designs in this video with new eyes.
Our “50 DWR Designs” video might get your creative juices flowing. We are hoping our little tutes will inspire you to enter a quilt.
The Inklingo Double Wedding Ring Design Book is at least a $20 value but it is on sale for only $10, and you can get it FREE if you also buy the shapes to print on fabric.
The Inklingo design book (PDF download) includes Double Wedding Ring sewing instructions. It will help you design with Double Wedding Ring and Pickle Dish shapes too.
You can sew Double Wedding Ring by hand or by machine or a bit of both. We think that is the modern approach, even if you are sewing a traditional design.
There are several articles on the blog already which will help you with the challenge. Several are listed in Wednesday Tute 09.
Isn’t it nice to know that no matter how complex or “modern” the design is, it is easier and faster to sew when you print the shapes on fabric with Inklingo?
By the way, there are at least 5 options for the edge when DWR blocks are turned 45 degrees to sit “on point” (above).
We’ll save that for another day, but this is a nice easy option. No corners!
You can catch up on 8 Wednesday Tutes for Pieced Hexagons too.
We are planning a few more Wednesday Tutes with ideas for the challenge, so please enter your email address (top of the right sidebar), so you don’t miss anything good.
Thank you to everyone who has liked the Inklingo page on QuiltingHub. If you haven’t yet, please do!
Thanks for visiting. See you again soon!
Linda & Monkey
Yay, a Wednesday Tute that arrived on Wednesday in my part of the world, too! 🙂
Thanks for getting me over the weekly ‘hump’ day with a little push from the Wednesday Tute!
Even if I don’t have time to sew today, this design gets me thinking… wouldn’t it be lovely to make a single block of this design for the little pillow that the ring-bearer takes up the aisle at a wedding?
4 of them makes a nice table centerpiece, especially for the binding option you show above.
Kudos on the video too! Who knew this design could be so versatile and pretty? I guess you and Monkey knew. 😉