Welcome back!
Clue # 2 is ready for you!
Have you chosen your fabric for the mystery quilt?
It’s time to start printing. We have great leads for you.
The Case of the Secret Garden Clue # 2
Free PDF (9 pages, 1.1 MB)
Note: The page numbering starts at 9, because Clue # 1 ended with page 8.
We are taking the mystery out of Inklingo with the COTSG quilt. There are two important concepts that make printing on fabric work.
These two key ideas make Inklingo the quilting tool we’ve always wanted.
This week is all about printing and cutting.
There is no sewing until Clue # 3. This may be a tiny bit disappointing to Inklingoists who already know how to print dozens of sheets of fabric quickly and easily, but we think even they will like the new Print Checklist and other tips.
When you have printed your first sheet of fabric, you will be an expert too.
The mystery quilt is perfect for Inklingo beginners, but not designed for beginning quilters. (The blocks are only 6 inches with small pieces and curves.)
The mystery quilt can be machine pieced OR hand pieced. Your choice!
- COTSG Clue # 1
- New York Wheel Shape Collection
(Still on sale for $20. What a deal!) - Inklingo Sunflower Quilt Design Book (free with NY Wheel)
- Top Ten Tutes (tutorials)
- Print Checklists
A good detective knows how to interrogate. (That means “If you have questions, please ask.”)
If additional evidence, plot twists, or surveillance videos are uncovered, they will be on the blog before the next clue is announced. You can subscribe to the blog (top of right sidebar) to make it easier to dust for evidence. (That’s the only kind of dusting we like.)
Here it is again: The Case of the Secret Garden Clue # 2
Free PDF (9 pages, 1.1 MB, begins with page 9)
Sometimes being an informant is a good thing, so please tell your friends about the mystery and then let the printing begin!
Linda & Monkey
New to Inklingo? Order and download free shapes and start sewing in the next few minutes. Quick Start (Always FREE.) There are triangles, diamonds, and squares in the free collection—great for dozens of different blocks.
$10 Coupon! 6 Year Anniversary Special on the handbook
Ditto. Now i’m off to sort through Clue#2 and fire up the printer! 😉
Whoo hoo!! I ‘ve downloaded the clues and I’m on the case! This is fun! 🙂