More Winners of TQPM


Did you win?

All of the winners of the six-month subscriptions for TQPM have been notified.  Thanks to the big hearts at the magazine, many of you received happy news today.

Good News, Bad News

The bad news is that if you have not received an email from me with a subscription code, you did not win.

The good news is that you can still subscribe on the TQPM website for $14.95 a year. You can see a sample on the TQPM website.

If you have the subscription code, you can download the magazine immediately and start enjoying it tonight and for the next six months!

If you did win, you must visit the site and enter your code by April 30, okay?

No Waiting!

TQPM is available all over the world. You pay for great content, not postage, because it is an online magazine. You don’t have to wait for it to be delivered by mail and the projects are inspiring.

Thank you TQPM for all the fun and for including my Inklingo article in an upcoming issue!

Thank you very much to everyone who submitted designs for the ClubEQ March Challenge and everyone who left a comment. You warmed my heart on a cold April day in Burlington.

Stay tuned for more excitement tomorrow, okay? Monkey and I have been extra-busy behind the scenes. Whew. . . This is a good time to subscribe to the blog if you haven’t already.

Linda & Monkey

New to Inklingo? Order and download free shapes and start sewing in the next few minutes. Quick Start (Always FREE.) There are triangles, diamonds, and squares in the free collection—great for dozens of different blocks.

$10 Coupon!  6 Year Anniversary Special on the handbook

Inklingo for Beginners

Inklingo Quiz – Just for Fun!

20 thoughts on “More Winners of TQPM”

  1. Thank you Linda and Monkey. I am looking forward to setting up my quilting/sewing room in my new place very soon!

  2. AAAAH I WON, I WON. I never win anything!!! I won and am gona download right now. THANK YOU so much TQPM and LINDA and MONKEY. I won. I’m very happy. Thank you so much.

  3. Thank you for all patterns I do have your handbook. And some of the free things you have given us. Just wanted to thank you.

  4. Thank you for the wonderful surprise. I am grareful to receive this wonderful gift! I can’t wait to read the first issue!

  5. Oh Linda, you have done so much to make Inklingo Quilters a family in the last eight or nine weeks. I can’t believe how much my life has changed since I found INklingo. Love seeing all the progress. Hand piecing and Inklingo has brought an element of Peace into my life. I found quilting when I was going through a very bad time in my life and Inklingo has followed along to bring me so much joy.
    Thanks You Linda and all!

  6. I was thrilled to receive notice that I was a winner of a subscription. I did just register and look forward to being able to get my first digital issue. Can’t tell you when I last won something, so this is a wonderful blessing that is much appreciated.

    Thank you!

  7. Thank you Linda. This is great news. And speaking of news…I’m on pins n needles about you upcoming announcement.


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