Inklingo Smart Shopper’s Idea Book 2018

Take a peek behind the scenes at Inklingo headquarters!

HINT New idea book and new shape collections coming soon!


Inklingo Garden

It has been a long time since the last blog post. June was an amazing month here. The weather was glorious, day after day. I spent more time than ever outdoors working in the garden.

When it was too hot to be outside, I finished a major update to the Smart Shopper’s Idea Book and worked on two new shape collections—including sewing the shapes.

I’m sharing a few sample pages and two photos of the garden.


Inklingo Tarantella Quilt

This is just a sample. I think you will want to see all 220 pages!


Shapes for Capriccioso from Millefiori Quilts 3

I published the new SSIB more than two weeks ago but never got around to telling you.

Gardening and sewing were good stress relievers while the website was moved to a bigger, faster server.


Inklingo Starlit Star

There are many new pages.


Inklingo Hunter's Star Quilt

It is full of ideas.


Inklingo Ribbon Flower Quilt

There have been so many new shape collections since the last update!


Inklingo Requests for Shapes

You can also get an indication of what other quilters have requested.

If you have requests, please let me know! Many Inklingo shape collection are the result of requests from quilters like you. Please be sure to suggest a size.


Inklingo and Quilted Diamonds

There are some oldies but goodies.


Introduction to Inklingo

Are you new to printing on fabric?

I recommend starting with the free Diamond Triangle Square shape collection ($20 value) because it includes the first chapter of The Inklingo Handbook and some great shapes to print on fabric.

There is video and more info on the Main Beginner’s Page.. There is info there about how newbies can get a free fabric sample printed with Inklingo too.

You don’t need to create an account to get the Smart Shopper’s Idea Book.

(The link to download the Smart Shopper’s Idea Book is under the Support & Goodies tab on the website. You are on the blog now.)


Inklingo Garden View

It is another perfect day, so I’ll spend some of it outside.


Inklingo New Shape Collection

Your reward for reading this far? See page 72 for the next new shape collections. Coming soon.

Thank you for visiting.

Linda & Monkey in Canada

24 thoughts on “Inklingo Smart Shopper’s Idea Book 2018”

  1. Hi Linda, I was wondering if you have any plans to design a “”hexden” shape – the bottom half like a hexie and the top half curved. This shape make really cute flowers. Thanks so much for the wonderful shapes – I love working with them.

  2. I had to check the website for your blog in case I had missed an update or an email. I have become so used to using Inklingo that if I can’t convert a pattern or most of it combined with a small amount of your freezer paper technique then the pattern is either not purchased or given away.
    The new book looks great and I am looking forward to the Golden Wedding Ring Quilt.

    Your garden so green and beautiful, if I had a garden like that I would use spend my days in it.

    If you are doing collections for a 6 inch square could you do a collection for a 5 grid 6 inch square. I can’t seem to find some of those measurements in the current Inklingo shapes



    • Hi Jenny,
      It is great to hear from you. I love knowing that you are enjoying using Inklingo.
      Your suggestion for shapes for a 5 grid 6 inch square is very interesting. I looked at the Index of Shapes under the Support tab and there are no 1.2 inch shapes so far. I agree that they would be useful. Thank you for a great idea! You’ve got me thinking.

  3. Thank you, Linda, for the new Smart Shoppers Idea Book. Can’t wait to spend some time looking at all the additions and new collections. It is always such a pleasure to see your lovely surroundings. Your gardens are so beautiful. I can see how they inspire you in your work. Thank you for giving us a peek at your corner of the world. Have a wonderful rest of the summer! Betsy

  4. Linda, TY for the blog post and the updated SSID. Love that you are working on Wedding Ring pattern. I have two baby quilts that are POTC. WOW did I bite of more than I can chew. Have 16 center blocks done and 8 to go. Then I decide which eight will go to which Great Grand Nephew. Both are due around US Labor Day. Then it is time for UFO work!!! Have a great July and August.

  5. I haven’t seen your site before now, and was just wondering about the amount of ink it would take to print. The ink for my printer is rather expensive.

    • Hi Carolyn, Good news. Inklingo uses a tiny amount of ink. You can probably print everything you need for a bed quilt with less ink than you would use to print two or three photos. Please start with the free shape collection for Diamonds Triangles and Squares. You will see what I mean. 🙂 Main Beginner’s Page is Welcome to Inklingo!

  6. Hello again, wow my head is spinning after looking at the shapes that are coming.

    Now I have no idea what my next project will be.

  7. Hello Linda and Monkey of course 🙂

    Beautiful garden! Makes me miss the one I used to have. But sometimes we must part with things. I love the Inklingo smart shopper’s idea book 2018.
    Have a great summer. Now I am going to look at the new shape collections.


  8. Thanks so much Linda for all you do. I’m so glad that I purchased so many of your books, esp. the first ones. I love everything you do. I haven’t quilted in awhile, but seeing your video’s and web page has inspired me to start hand quilting and piecing again… Your always such a positive influence on me. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

    • What a lovely compliment. Thank you, Jill! It makes me feel good to think I can be a positive influence. Let’s stay positive together, okay?

  9. I could see using your garden for a color palette. Lots of values of green, some cool whites, and little pops of pink, magenta………… sorry, my imagination too flight before I finished. And Cathi’s favorite curves. She’s hooked.

  10. Your garden looks beautiful from these photos. I think it must be a place full of magic, as it clearly inspires you to create beautiful collections for us all, and chipmunks.

    Golden Wedding Ring will be SO much fun to piece! Love all that continuous sewing and curves – who could ask for more!

    I saw a picture of an antique quilt made with a block identified as Old Fashioned Garland, Brackman 784.5. It was stunning! A 6″ or 9″ block would be fabulous!


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