There’s a new Inklingo shape collection to tempt you!
The “New York Wheel” shape collection was “almost finished” last year, so it was relatively easy to finish it while Russ and I had the flu.
It is a cross between New York Beauty and Dresden Plate.
Wheel is an old design and New York Beauty is a modern classic. I haven’t heard of NY Wheel before.
We christened this one New York Wheel because these shapes are interchangeable with the shapes in the first 3 New York Beauty shape collections. We have some surprising examples, so stay tuned to the blog, okay?
Monkey sat on the calculator for a while.
In Monkey’s mind, if you have all four Inklingo New York shape collections, you can make approximately 100 – 10,000 variations. Good to know.
He says you are going to love using these shapes. No math. No measuring. No templates!
This Inklingo shape collection (PDF) has hundreds of pages to print on fabric with all of the different shapes. You just have to find the page you want, and print!
Fabric feeds just like ordinary paper when it is stabilized with freezer paper.
Combo 1 has all the shapes for one New York Wheel. This sheet is 7.5 x 13 inches.
There are 4 different Combo layouts in this shape collection. Combo layouts save fabric and time.
Of course, you can print the shapes separately too. This sheet is 5.25 x 12.25. Custom Page Sizes let us use the fabric very efficiently!
We cut the shapes apart with a rotary cutter.
There are speed tips for rotary cutting in the Sunflower Quilt Design Book and it’s free with this shape collection!
- how to cut several layers at a time
- how to rotary cut curves—easy and speedy!
When portability is more important than speed, we cut with scissors. Just cut on the lines!
Inklingo lets us cut the way we want to.
See how fine and perfect the lines are? These are fun to sew!
Every shape has stitching lines and matching marks to make the pinning and sewing easy—whether by machine or by hand.
We hope you do! We’ve designed a Mystery Quilt with New York Wheel.
Next week Monkey and I will give you the first clue for a mystery quilt which uses this shape collection.
The Mystery Quilt is not necessarily a beginner quilt because the blocks are only 6 inches, but it is a great way to learn about Inklingo.
Stay tuned for details, okay?
Monkey calculated some of the reasons to buy New York Wheel.
- It is a beautiful, classic design that you don’t see every day.
- The bonus shapes make endless variations.
- The shapes can be used with the other New York Beauty shape collections.
- You get the Sunflower Quilt Design Book too ($20 value).
- The block is ideal for machine or hand sewing.
- The 6 inch size is perfect with other 6 inch Inklingo blocks.
- It is on sale for only $20 but only for a limited time.
- <drum roll> You will need it for the first Inklingo Mystery Quilt!
(No other shape collections are required for the mystery. Just NY Wheel.)
We’ll be back, and we hope you will be too. You can subscribe to get an email to be sure you don’t miss anything (right sidebar).
IMPORTANT! The special sale price expires soon, okay?
Let’s roll!
Linda & Monkey
New to Inklingo? Order and download free shapes and start sewing in the next few minutes. Quick Start (Always FREE.) There are triangles, diamonds, and squares in the free collection—great for dozens of different blocks.
$10 Coupon! 6 Year Anniversary Special on the handbook
Sounds great. Can’t wait. Will it be scrappy or 2 color?
Oh my goodness I love this block and what could be better than a Mystery! I cant wait! Yes I will need a fabric hint for the same reason, my stash is now in marked tubs in a storage locker…what does that tell you!
Ooh I love mystery quilts. Can’t wait Linda.
Any hint on what fabric we will need because I will have to purchase or dig through tubs in my storage unit.
I see a fabric shopping trip in my near future. 🙂
Good news! The mystery only uses this shape collection for New York Wheel. You do not have to buy anything else. Love, Monkey
This collection is fabulous! So many possibilities!
A mystery quilt designed by you is sure to be a winner — so I can’t wait!
OH my! This new collection is awesome – guess I will have to make sure I get the rest of my stuff into the truck so I can follow along the mystery quilt while on the road! Thank you Linda and Monkey – you guys Rock!
I usually don’t like mystery projects because I like to see what I am making but I think this will be so much fun. Guess I better scoot over and get it purchased.
Ooooooh, a Mystery Quilt! Will the mystery quilt require other Inklingo design packages?