The new Inklingo Castle Wall shape collections create amazing design possibilities.
Yesterday I showed you this “on point” setting with the 4.5 inch Castle Wall shape collection and LeMoyne Stars from the FREE Diamond Triangle Square shape collection.
It uses these blocks alternating in horizontal rows.
What if we replace the LeMoyne Star with the block on the left, which is made with exactly the same shapes?
Voilà! I like this too!
Does it help to see them side by side?
Inklingo makes it so fast and simple to prepare the shapes and sew the blocks that we can spend more time perfecting the design!
Join the journey down this road to the Castle with us!
Mickey posted about getting started with Inklingo at today.
I love it that she fesses up that she jumped in without reading any stinkin’ instructions. LOL It makes everything harder but she still fell in love with Inklingo! How cool is that?
Now, instead of reading mine, she is writing some of her own. Life is good. I love seeing how she is explaining it.
Now you have at least 4 ways to start inklingoing!
- Without any stinkin’ instructions. Harder, seems to be popular. LOL
(You’ll get there eventually.) - Following Mickey’s blog. (Definitely looks as if it will be fun!)
- Following the Inklingo Guided Tour. (Monkey’s video and PDF.)
- Following the Quick Start Guide. (Too obvious?)
Maybe you prefer a combination approach.
Let the fun begin!
You can download and start in the next few minutes with the Guided Tour and the FREE Diamond Triangle Square shape collection.
It includes the first chapter of The Inklingo Handbook. With that and the Top Ten Tutes on this blog, you will be an expert in no time!
Or, write your own instructions!
The special intro price is for a limited time only!
Buy The Inklingo Handbook first and use the $10 coupon code when you buy Castle Wall. That’s what Monkey would do.
You can see how Cathi fussy cut some crazy cats and used one of the Castle Wall bonus shapes on Quilt Obsession today too. Have you made your first block yet?
I think you will want to subscribe to the blogs (top of right side bar) so you don’t miss anything, okay? You can like our page on Facebook too: Inklingo (Thank you!)
Stay tuned, okay?
Linda & Monkey
New to Inklingo? Order and download free shapes and start sewing in the next few minutes. Quick Start (Always FREE.) There are triangles, diamonds, and squares in the free collection—great for dozens of different blocks.
$10 Coupon! 7 Year Anniversary Special on the handbook
25 Signs YOU are an Inklingo Quilter
Have you liked the Inklingo FB page yet? If you haven’t, please do. Thank you!
Hi Lynn, I did not use EQ to draw these settings, but there is a Castle Wall block in the Block Library in Electric Quilt. It is slightly different because the squares are rectangles, but it would be enough for you to play with color. The Block Library also includes LeMoyne Star.
The geometry was VERY tricky to design the shape collections so Castle Wall would have squares instead of rectangles around the octagon.
I think you will love playing with this block. Good luck!
Hugs, Linda & Monkey
Are those sets done in EQ7? If so, would you share so I can play with the colors? THANKS
Oh, Linda! If only we could stitch as fast as you can design! Love the new collection and what you are doing with it!