Fussy Cut Inklingo Stars

Inklingo Fussy Cut Star (Kaleidoscope or One Block Wonder)

We have some eye-candy for you today.

We love to fussy cut (fussy print) with Inklingo.

Inklingo Fussy Cut - Print identical sheets

For these stars, we printed 6 identical sheets of diamonds. . .


Fussy cutting with Inklingo

. . . from this fabric, which had been in my stash for many years.


Inklingo Fussy Cut Star (Kaleidoscope or One Block Wonder)

Sadly, we don’t know where to get more of that fabric, but our movie “How to choose fabric for Patchwork of the Crosses” shows our 5 best tips for POTC with Inklingo, and the tips are the same for diamonds like these.


Inklingo 60 degree diamonds

The diamonds in the newest Inklingo shape collection have 1.5 inch sides (finished), so they are smaller than the ones in the photos. (Photos show Inklingo 60° diamonds with 2 inch sides in pieced hexagons with 4 inch sides.)


Inklingo Fussy Cut Star (Kaleidoscope or One Block Wonder)

Diamonds with 1.5 inch sides are big enough to sew by machine. We show how to sew from crosshair to crosshair by machine using hexagons on YouTube.


Inklingo Fussy Cut Star (Kaleidoscope or One Block Wonder)

There is more about hand piecing inset seams (Y seams) on the blog too, and it also includes a movie showing every detail.


Inklingo Fussy Cut Star (Kaleidoscope or One Block Wonder)

For the stars, you might want to sew 3 diamonds into star halves by machine and then sew the final seam of the star by hand so you can “circle the intersection” and get perfect results.

We call this a hybrid. It gives us the best of both worlds—speed and portability.


Inklingo Fussy Cut Star (Kaleidoscope or One Block Wonder)

The sale price on the new 60° Diamond 1.5 inch shape collection ends tomorrow night at midnight.

We still expect most quilters to prefer the Inklingo # 3 book and  CD because it is such an incredible value, especially if you want to piece a variety of designs, like the ones we showed you earlier this week.

Even without fussy cutting, the 4 shapes in the new shape collection can be combined to make many different designs and they can be set in many different ways.


Inklingo prints ultra-fine cutting and stitching lines on fabric.

Some quilters assume that you cannot fussy cut when you print the shapes on fabric with Inklingo, so if you know quilters who like fussy cutting, please send them over!

Inklingo is on Facebook and Pinterest and we hope you will whisper info to your friends about the COTSG mystery too!

You can subscribe to the blog (top of right sidebar) so you don’t miss anything good, like the next plot twist in our mystery quilt, The Case of the Secret Garden.

I have to go to feed some chipmunks on the window sill now. Thank you for visiting.

Linda & Monkey

New to Inklingo? Order and download free shapes and start sewing in the next few minutes. Quick Start (Always FREE.) There are triangles, diamonds, and squares in the free collection—great for dozens of different blocks.

$10 Coupon!  6 Year Anniversary Special on the handbook

Inklingo for Beginners

Inklingo Quiz – Just for Fun!

9 thoughts on “Fussy Cut Inklingo Stars”

  1. My webpage is updated with pictures of the progress on my quilt top made with .5 inch hexagons made into diamonds and then assembled into the star. ALso shows one of the border strips made from the ugly fabric that I dont have enough left of to take a photo of, but does show how the colour changed from side to side.

  2. I am going to uploaded photos of the star that I created out of cut diamonds made from hexagons. Will also include a photo of the ugly fabric it started out as. Might be more of fussy sorting than fussy cutting.

  3. Hi Sandy, That is right. It is almost impossible to predict how much fabric you will need for fussy cutting, so when you see a good fabric buy as much as you can. Fussy cutting does NOT use fabric efficiently, but the results are worth it! Hugs, Linda & Monkey


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