The Case of the Secret Garden (COTSG) Mystery Quilt is not a race, but Inklingo quilters are finishing in record time!
It is a nice feeling to know that there are many Inklingo quilters still quietly sewing A-B-C-D units together. It is relaxing and portable and “even more satisfying than knitting” according to one new Inklingoist.
Glenda’s COTSG in Oregon
Glenda has been sewing all her life and quilting since 1985. She has also become an experienced Inklingoist and blogs about it at My Sewing Site.
I love visiting her blog because she has a variety of Inklingo projects on the go and she shows them in progress. She teaches quilting, so she originally started her blog for her students. She has also shared tips for thimbles and sewing techniques, all illustrated with lots of photos.
Glenda is making some gorgeous POTC blocks (Patchwork of the Crosses). There is a mini-slide show of them on her blog too. Monkey says she would love it if you left a comment.
BERT’S COTSG in Michigan
Bert (short for Alberta) has been an Inklingo quilter for years and she does beautiful work.
I love the pink and burgundy palette she used. Bert made a great choice for the borders too.
Bruce’s COTSG in Minnesota
The green was an inspired choice for the border of a garden, don’t you think? Bruce has a wonderful sense of color. He made a fabulous Inklingo Double Wedding Ring Quilt which you can see on the blog.
Bruce does a lot of hand piecing but he says this one is about 50/50 hand and machine. Hand piecing COTSG helped him catch up on episodes of Dr Who and machine sewing gave him confidence sewing curves. (MORE reasons to make COTSG!)
Bruce has been using Inklingo from the beginning, and we are glad he does!
If you have a picture of your COTSG quilt top, please let me know if I may show it on the blog. Thank you to Bert, Glenda, and Bruce for giving me permission to show their quilt tops here today.
Now that you have seen so many COTSG quilts, it isn’t a mystery anymore, but it is not too late to start.
COTSG is perfect for Inklingo beginners and when you buy the New York Wheel shapes to print on fabric, I also add the Sunflower Quilt Design Book for you ($20 value, PDF download).
- COTSG Clue # 1
- COTSG Clue # 2
- COTSG Clue # 3
- COTSG Clue # 4
- COTSG Clue # 5
- COTSG Clue # 6
- COTSG Clue # 7
- COTSG Clue # 8
- How to Rotary Cut Curves (video)
- New York Wheel Shape Collection
- Inklingo Sunflower Quilt Design Book (free with NY Wheel)
- Top Ten Tutes (tutorials)
- Print Checklists
- EQ Project File for COTSG
- Summary Cheat Sheet
There is not any suspense about whether your blocks will fit together because the cutting and sewing lines are printed on the fabric!
Coming soon:
- new lessons for the Inklingo Periwinkle Quilt (IPQ)
- more pieced hexagons
- a new EQ project file for a variation of Texas Star
Linda & Monkey
Monkey can come and sit beside me. I don’t FB either. We can admire all the Inklingo quilts together.
Thank you for the very nice write-up about me, my site, and my COTSG. You are so very kind!
I love Inklingo and just need more hours in the day and more days in the week to make everything I want to make with Inklingo. My brain just keeps rushing fast-forward to different patterns I want to do. Sometimes I just force myself to slow down and make some scrappy Inklingo blocks while my mind works out the details for the next Inklingo project. :o)
I have worked out an EQ7 design for how I want to do a Periwinkle, but I am doing some miscellaneous blocks before I start it – need some time to think about fabric choices. I have colored my EQ design so many ways that I can’t decide which to do. :o)
Thanks for the Inklingo designs. Keep up the great work!
Thanks for putting the COTCS up in one post. Goodness, these quilts are beautiful!
I have “Liked” Inklingo on Facebook from the beginning and find it a great way to keep up with the blog. I don’t always get the email updates on my tablet, but I check Facebook on the go regularly, so I can always stay up-to-date with your blog, which is Fabulous, by the way!