Click above to play the movie!
The movie shows some complicated-looking quilts which are actually possible with the cutting and stitching lines printed on the fabric with Inklingo.
You CAN sew these!
You can design with Inklingo shapes knowing that you can turn your ideas into fabric creations—whether it is Drunkard’s Path, Dresden Plate, Apple Core, Diamonds, Hexagons, Triangles . . . or any Inklingo Shapes!
Isn’t it amazing what you can do with two simple shapes?
If the movie inspires you to create something unique and different, you can do it with Electric Quilt. There are SIX Inklingo sizes to mix and match and the basic block is in the EQ block library.
You also might be inspired by similar quilts with other names, like these:
- Old Maid’s Puzzle, Solomon’s Puzzle, The Milkmaid’s Path
- Rob Peter to Pay Paul (1)
- Jockey Cap (2), also Snowball, Indiana Puzzle, Polka Dots
- Chains (3), also Snake Trail, Falling Timbers, Vine of Friendship
- Snowy Windows (4), also Dirty Windows
- Around the Mountain (5)
- Whirling Arches (6)
- Love Ring (7), also Rippling Waters, Trip Around the World
- Cleopatra’s Puzzle, Fool’s Puzzle, Devil’s Puzzle, Puzzle Boxes
- King Tut’s Crown, King Tut’s Throne
- Mill Wheel, Water Mill
- Around the World, Round About, Wonder of the World
- Rocky Road to Dublin
- Indian Path, Algonquin Trail
- Tumbleweed
- Birds of a Feather, Dove, Owls, Birds in a Crosswind
- Pictures in the Stairwell, Starry Path
- Wanderer in the Wilderness, Sunshine and Shadows, and more!
When you know how to print on fabric, you can sew anything!
Inklingo layouts use fabric very efficiently, so you can use scraps from your stash or buy exactly what you need.
More Resources
- Drunkard’s Path (blog announcement)
- 4 intoxicating things about Inklingo Drunkard’s Path
- Drunkard’s Path Design Book (PDF, 203 pages, free for a limited time)
SewCalGal 2012 Golden Quilter Awards!
Inklingo has been nominated for Most Innovative Product (software), and I have been nominated in several other categories! WOW!
This is a wonderful honor. Some of the nominees probably haven’t heard of me or Inklingo before, but I have certainly heard of them!
Some of my personal quilting heroines (like Penny McMorris’ Electric Quilt) have been nominated and I am very honored to be in their company. Thank you, SewCalGal!
CLICK HERE to vote for all of your favorites!
YOU can vote between now and March 31st, and you could win a prize. There are prizes for PR Angels, for those who submitted nominations, and for those who vote. (That’s you!)
Winners will be announced by SewCalGal on April 3rd.

Waiting for Oscar
Our little Drunkard’s Path movie hasn’t been nominated for an Oscar (yet), but Monkey lives in hope. LOL (By the way, he thinks that’s a rum and Diet Coke and I have no idea who gave him the purple paper parasol.)
Thank you for visiting. Next, please tell your friends about the movie and the voting!
Linda & Monkey
New to Inklingo? Order and download free shapes and start sewing in the next few minutes. Quick Start (Always FREE.) There are triangles, diamonds, and squares in the free collection—great for dozens of different blocks.
Linda, I so appreciate the videos that you put together! The really close up pictures very much tell the story! Thank you for all your efforts! Voted today. Best of luck!
Thanks for the movie. Loved it. You and Monkey have really got my brain whirling with the blue and white versions. Me to voted for you of course!!
Love the video…it’s amazing what you can do with Drunkards Path blocks. There are a few of the layouts that could pass for one of those chenille bedspreads! Oh, and I voted for you too!
Enjoyed the video Linda and Monkey! I voted for you too 🙂 If there were oscars for monkeys then Monkey would definitely win one! LOL. Ellyx
Grson and I enjoyed your newest production with Drunkard’s path and he wondered if Monkey was blind since he needed reading glasses? LOL
I told him Monkey was like Nana in that he needs glasses when he is sewing…Not sure if he believed me.
Who knew you could be so creative with a few shapes? Thanks
I voted too 🙂 I really love your movie productions especially that wonderful Monkey 🙂
I forgot to say that I also voted for you. Inklingo is so innovative it deserves to be up there and to win.
Great movie!
I voted for you, too!
Thank you for the video; it certainly does provide inspiration!
FYI…I voted for you!
Hi Bev, Monkey is worried about competition from cute puppies, cute kittens, and cute penguins. Thank you for your vote of support!
If they had a “Cutest Monkey” Oscar award, I’m sure that Monkey would win — hands down. I enjoyed the video.