Willyne Hammerstein’s Ballet with Inklingo

Ballet from Millefiori Quilts 2

Ballet Quilt

You can sew Ballet with Kaffe Fassett with Inklingo now.

Quilters are already using Inklingo to sew Willyne’s Passacaglia, Midnight Fireworks and Valse Brillante (all in Millefiori Quilts, the first book). . .

but. . .

of course. . .

they also asked for Ballet with Kaffe Fasset from Millefiori Quilts 2—and Quiltmania graciously agreed.

Carol Veillon, editor of Quiltmania and publisher of Millefiori Quilts and Millefiori Quilts 2 made it possible!

Inklingo templates for Ballet with Kaffe Fassett

The templates in the book are 3 cm, and you can print with Inklingo and sew the same size Willyne used for her amazing quilt.

Inklingo templates for Ballet with Kaffe Fassett

There is choice of layouts. This one uses the fabric very efficiently. There are two others for this kite shape—including one for directional fabric!

The shapes on all of the layouts are arranged so you can rotary cut several layers at a time OR cut with scissors.

Print the shapes on fabric with your ordinary Inkjet printer, cut and sew! It couldn’t be simpler! No templates, no basting.

Inklingo templates for Ballet with Kaffe Fassett

There is also an Inklingo shape collection with larger shapes. This is ideal if your fabric has larger designs or if you want to sew some of your quilt by machine.

Print templates for Ballet with Kaffe Fassett on fabric

It makes me feel like dancing!

I know you have been anxiously waiting for these shapes, so here are the links!

Quiltmania Magazine

I am thrilled that Carol Veillon and the wonderful people at Quiltmania understand that quilters want to be able to make the beautiful designs in their books and magazines with Inklingo!

Quiltmania has been good to Inklingo since their first review, 50 issues ago (Issue 58): “It helps you prepare your pieces quickly and precisely before hand or machine sewing them.” 

I could not resist Quiltmania even when it was not translated into English! The photography and the designs are stunning.

Quiltmania No. 108 features wonderful artists (including Willyne) and
beautiful quilts from shows all over the world. They also give us a peek into quilters’ homes and unique quilt projects.

Print diamonds on fabric or on paper with Inklingo

Printing with Inklingo makes it possible to sew Ballet by hand with a running stitch, by machine, or with English Paper Piecing (EPP).

Willyne Hammerstein sews her amazing designs by hand with a running stitch (not English Paper Piecing).

How to Sew Passacaglia by Hand

There is a video on the Main Millefiori Page showing how to sew Passacaglia rosettes by hand and it works the same way for Ballet.

There are also a few Inklingo lessons which you may find helpful for this dancing design:

Quilted Diamonds 2

If you are just learning the pleasures of hand piecing for Ballet, the two-hour QD2 lesson makes it easy. (FAQ about Quilted Diamonds)

Morning Glories at Inklingo Headquarters


If you have been following the Inklingo page on Facebook, you had advance notice that Ballet was coming.

I post a photo or two on Facebook almost every day. It is usually about quilting, but sometimes it is something happening at Inklingo Headquarters. I love to share photos of your Inklingo blocks too!

You do NOT have to have a Facebook account to see what I post there if you go directly to https://www.facebook.com/inklingo

However, Facebook only shows my photos to about 20% of the quilters who have “liked” the Inklingo Facebook Page, so the best way to stay up to date is to subscribe to the blog (top of the right sidebar).

If you are on Facebook, please post photos of your Inklingo blocks on my page and please “like” and “comment” and “share” my photos. It makes a difference.

EQ7 Seasons Row-A-Long

It is Week 3 of the EQ7 Seasons Row-A-Long too! (Completed)

I feel like dancing!

I hope you enjoy sewing Willyne’s fabulous rosettes as much as I do!

Let’s dance!

Linda & Monkey

Love Inklingo badge

3 thoughts on “Willyne Hammerstein’s Ballet with Inklingo”

  1. Are the first two shapes the same as the ones in Willyne Hammerstein’s Passacaglia 1.5 inch?

    If so, are the other two shapes available separately (for a reduced price, of course – lol)?


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