All of Canada was watching Olympic hockey early this morning, including Monkey.
I hope you have some Inklingo shapes printed and ready to sew if you intend to watch TV all day long. The hockey is over, but we’ve still got Downton Abbey and the Olympic Closing Ceremonies today!
Printing shapes is fast, so there is still time to get something ready.
Our new Inklingo Print Checklists will help you get organized.
The 3 winter checklists include a new Castle Wall block, ice hockey, and some flowers—because Monkey and I are looking forward to spring.
You could win! Leave a comment, not here, but HERE to be in the draw for a $50 Inklingo Gift Certificate. It’s about the article about Lucy Boston in the new issue of The Quilt Life.
The winner will be announced on the first day of spring, March 20.
You don’t have to wait until spring to start inklingoing because there are FREE shapes too. Quick Start Guide
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Congratulations to the athletes from every country who inspired us to keep doing our best and to never give up.
Thank you for visiting!
Linda & Monkey
New to Inklingo? Order and download free shapes and start sewing in the next few minutes. Quick Start (Always FREE.) There are triangles, diamonds, and squares in the free collection—great for dozens of different blocks.
$10 Coupon! 7 Year Anniversary Special on the handbook
25 Signs YOU are an Inklingo Quilter
Have you liked the Inklingo FB page yet? If you haven’t, please do. Thank you!
Thanks for all your awesome helps! I’m still plugging away with the Celtic Solstice, but I’m amazed at how much help it is to have the cheat sheets and sheets to have by the sewing machine to refer to.
Hey, I’m curious if you’ve chosen your backing and binding fabric for your Celtic Solstice quilt (using Winters Lane fabrics)? I’d love to see what color you’re going to go with. I’m thinking I might use a minky backing, but I’ll decide when I get everything pieced together. Have a great week – stay warm!! Deb
What pretty checklists! I am working on my inklingo pieced hexagons right now. Remarkably easy after the challenge of Lucy Boston’s Patchwork of the Crosses. So many inklingo projects on my checklist! Thanks Linda and Monkey! Fern
we absolutely need more inklingo in magazines! It is so much easier to work on inklingo than cross stitch, embroidery, or knitting while I enjoy the tv in the winter and the shade in the summer!
I think I may be brave enough to start POTC soon.
Hi, Linda!
Just love your products. So fun to hand sew and watch tv.