Feathered Star is ready to download. Hooray!
I provided much more detailed instructions for Feathered Star than I originally intended, but Inklingo is soooo perfect for it, that one thing led to another, and another. It took much longer than I planned.
You can see what I mean in the free Inklingo Feathered Star Design Book—85 pages, crammed with everything you need to know to design and make your own Feathered Star.
It took me weeks to decide on the sizes. Finally, a light bulb moment. Feathered Star is normally drafted starting with the feathers because there are more of those little triangles than anything else. Designers and teachers want them to be easy to measure, avoiding 8ths and 16ths of an inch, and giving us a fighting chance of making everything fit.
Since Inklingo quilters don’t have to measure (wow!!!), I was free to decide on the center of the block first. Oh, baby! This is good!
There are several options for the center block in each Inklingo Feathered Star, but you can substitute any 4.5, 6.0, or 9.0 inch block, depending on which collection you buy. Monkey says this is v v cool. What do you think?
Two other things I absolutely love are the simple method of sewing the feathers and the innovative pressing guide, which will save you time and ensure that everything fits perfectly. Everything is covered step-by-step in the design book.
1. For the 112 feathers in each block, print one fabric with 64 triangles, layer with unprinted fabric, stitch on the diagonal lines, and cut. No templates. No measuring. No bias strips. Sew the bias edges before cutting. It is perfectly simple and fast, and more precise than any other method. Fast is not always good. Fast and better always gets my attention.
2. There are pressing guides in each shape collection. Print them on fabric or paper to check the accuracy of your seam allowances and simplify the pressing. Isn’t it nice when everything fits?
Of course, we also have the usual advantages too—
• rotary cut or scissors cut
• appropriate straight grain on every shape
• precision corners
• matches for easy pinning
• crosshairs to mark the seam endings
And don’t forget Monkey’s Cheat Sheet and the Inklingo worksheets.
The Inklingo Feathered Star Design Book is free, but for a limited time only. It is at least a $25 value, so consider this an early Christmas present.
Please start with the main Inklingo Feathered Star page (under the Shop tab).
It does look like a Christmas snowflake after all. . .
Linda & Monkey
PS If you are new to Inklingo, the Quick Start Guide is for you. Order and download the free shape collection in minutes, and start inklingoing today.
PPS Normally, I try to remember to remove exclamation marks before I publish anything on the blog. Not today! I’m excited!
I am so excited for this pattern and I am heading on over to order my download! Stoked!
I just love the feathered star pattern:0
Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Feathered Star is such a beautiful pattern and now, with Inklingo, you’ve made it so easy!
Hi Sweetie,
Did this go out to my Buddettes?
I am doing great! Really great!
Hope you are too now that you finally got this done.
Let me know if you sent this or if you want me to order it.
Many, Many hugs,
Thank you so much Linda…I am just not sure which size to start with.
4-20″ stars would make a lovely wall hanging and I like the idea of the 6 inch centers but then again…9-15″ blocks would make a nice quilt as well….decisions, decisions! LOL