Did Lucy Boston Use Inklingo?

Patchwork of the Crosses (POTC) by Susan Abbe

Patchwork of the Crosses Quilt

Susan Abbe used Inklingo to make this brilliant Patchwork of the Crosses (POTC), following in Lucy Boston’s footsteps.

Lucy Boston did not use Inklingo to make her brilliant Patchwork of the Crosses, play music on Spotify, have an iPhone or an Inkjet printer, design with Electric Quilt software, or have access to a wide range of cotton fabric because it was rationed after WWII.

Lucy Boston did have artistic talent and a creative spirit throughout her life, but she died in 1990—before Inkjet printers and Inklingo.

Today, we have every advantage!

Lucy Boiston Patchwork of the Crosses (POTC) book

Patchwork of the Crosses Book

Quilters in the Facebook Patchwork of the Crosses Group use a variety of methods and post gorgeous photos of their blocks. Some sew by hand, some by machine, and some use a combination of both methods. You can join, too.

Print hexagons for POTC

I love seeing quilts made using my Lucy Boston Patchwork of the Crosses book, like Marcia Dougherty’s.

Patchwork of the Crosses Videos

Let these videos start you on a wonderful Lucy Boston journey!

Templates for POTC

Good news! If you have a scrap of Freezer Paper, you can make your own hexagon template in the next few minutes.

Fussy Cutting POTC

Lucy Boston’s design magic is in the creative use of fabric, especially “fussy cutting.” A few shapes in each block are fussy cut.

Sewing POTC

POTC does not have to be a multi-year project! You can get a fast start by sewing some seams by machine and finishing by hand.

Jeannie Hering Campbell POTC

Lucy Boston (1892-1990) brings out the artist and innovator in others, like Jeannie Hering Campbell.

A Choice of Methods for POTC

If you start with English Paper Piecing and find it too slow or hard on your hands and wrists, you can switch to sewing by machine or with a running stitch instead. (English Paper Piecing Rescue)

The book explains the pros and cons of each method and includes a centerfold of the original quilt.

Patchwork of the Crosses with Inklingo

A Choice of Sizes for POTC

Lucy Boston used 1-inch hexagons but you can choose another size on the Main Lucy Boston Page.

I also talked about POTC in some of the Live Videos. If you are eager to learn more about Lucy Boston, don’t hesitate to use the Search bar (top of page). There are also many beautiful POTC blocks on Pinterest to inspire your next quilt.

Thank you for visiting!


2 thoughts on “Did Lucy Boston Use Inklingo?”

  1. Thank you so much for the videos. I found them so informative and I am so excited to buy your books and try the paper piecing. I found them very educational and can’t wait to try it. Thank you again.


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