English Paper Piecing Rescue

English Paper Piecing Hexagons

English Paper Piecing UFOs

I often hear from quilting friends who have started English Paper Piecing (EPP) a Grandmother’s Flower Garden (GFG) which is not finished, and which is likely to remain an unfinished object (UFO).

We call these EPP GFG UFOs.

(This situation also arises with octagons and other polygons, but Monkey says, “EPP GFG UFOs are the most ubiquitous.” Someone must have given him a dictionary, a library card, or the link to Wikipedia.)

Quilters tell me they wish they had known about Inklingo before they started EPP. They love a portable project but would rather sew with a running stitch than use a whip-stitch, for many good reasons.

If you enjoy EPP and finish your projects, that’s great. Stop here. Enjoy your favorite technique and feel happy about it.

However, if you are looking for a more precise, simpler, and faster way to finish your quilt, Inklingo is the answer. You can add Inklingo hexagons and flowers to your EPP GFG UFO.

Print the shapes on fabric and sew with a running stitch instead of whip-stitching. You can even do some machine stitching in a hybrid.

A page from the English Paper Piecing Rescue PDF

Disadvantages of English Paper Piecing

English Paper Piecing has some disadvantages so it can be hard to finish a quilt. There is a new PDF called English Paper Piecing Rescue under the Hand Piecing tab on the website. It describes why EPP appeals to so many of us, the ubiquitousness of unfinished GFGs, and instructions for adding Inklingo hexagons to an existing EPP UFO.

It is amazingly simple, but you will want to see the photos. There are too many to include here.

Stacks of Inklingo Hexagons

Advantages of a Running Stitch by Hand

Inklingo recommends sewing with a running stitch (with backstitches) instead of EPP.

•  More portable and relaxing than whip-stitching with templates
  Efficient use of fabric (especially with layouts to cut with scissors)
  Cut with scissors or a rotary cutter—your choice
  Stitching lines, matching marks, and crosshairs on each piece
  No basting
  No templates
  No matter how closely you look, the running stitches are hidden
  Combine hand and machine piecing in the same quilt (hybrid)
 Compatible with fussy cutting
  Seams are pressed to the side, not open

Try it now!

If you haven’t tried printing Inklingo shapes on fabric yet,  order the free shape collection ($20 value). You will be able to print your first shapes in the next few minutes and sew them by hand or by machine.

We hope you will enjoy finishing your EPP quilts—with or without Inklingo.

Linda & Monkey

PS From Merriam-Webster online: Main Entry: ubiq·ui·tous
Pronunciation: \yü-ˈbi-kwə-təs\  Function: adjective  Date: 1830
: existing or being everywhere at the same time: constantly encountered: widespread <a ubiquitous fashion>

7 thoughts on “English Paper Piecing Rescue”

  1. Linda the running stitch video is great. You did a fabulous job. I need you to make a video on how you made the video. Lol great job. What kind of cream do you use on your hands? They look beautiful. Thanks for the video.

  2. I plan to try this soon. It sounds like it would be much easier on the hands than holding the basted PP’d hexes together for whipstitching! I have a GFG that only needs a couple of sections of the border finished, and PP method just became too stressful on the old fingers! Thanks for this!

  3. Tell Monkey that EPP-GFG-UFO’s sounds like some sort of military project! LOL I tell DSIL that everything in the Army has it’s initials and some sort of an acronym.
    I will link to your blog about this because I know people who are in this boat and might just be able to finish something after all.

  4. Very cool Linda! I have lots of “EPP GFG UFOs” (I think Monkey deserves a degree for that one)! Love this PDF! I also saw I can click on a hexagon shape the size I needed and go straight to the collection. Look out 1/4″ hexes, here I come!


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