Happy New Year! This is it!
Bonnie’s huge Celtic Solstice quilt!
Bonnie also provided notes for assembling the quilt top, adding the plain borders, and even the quilting design. That info is now available for purchase.
Inklingo Clue # 6 (PDF download, 13 pages) includes 9 different variations.
And they all use the same three blocks!
The Inklingo PDF for Celtic Solstice Clue # 6 shows how amazing the units in this design look in different colors.
There is also an Electric Quilt project file, so you can play with the shapes and see how the blocks will look in your colors!
- EQ6 Project File (13 MB)
- EQ7 Project File (13 MB)
If you haven’t chosen your colors yet, Design-Seeds.com is a great source of color inspiration. You can subscribe to get an email every day. (Free, no affiliation.)
When you see something you like, you can play with color in Electric Quilt until you get a combination that makes your heart sing.
If you know you will love it, you are more likely to finish.
Love the lines. Quilt more!
Thanks to Bonnie Hunter, many quilters are learning how to print on fabric with Inklingo.
We love Bonnie’s enthusiasm for quilting and appreciate the way she has included more quilters by making the Inklingo Celtic Solstice Shape Collection available.
Most of all, we appreciate Bonnie’s friendship.
Please visit the Main Beginner’s Page!
Bonnie’s Celtic Solstice Shape Collection includes all of the shapes for all of the clues.
Summary of the Clues for Bonnie’s Celtic Solstice
- How to print on fabric—jam free!
- Inklingo Clue 01 (VIDEO)
- Inklingo Clue 01a
- Inklingo Clue 02
- Inklingo Clue 02a (VIDEO)
- Inklingo Clue 03
- Inklingo Clue 03a
- Inklingo Clue 04
- Inklingo Clue 05
- Inklingo Print Checklist (Thanksgiving Edition)
- How to test Inkjet ink on fabric and other Top Ten Tutes (tab above)
- Swatches PDF (free download)
After you print your tests, you can write the Inklingo ink color(s) beside each swatch too. - Bonnie Hunter’s Celtic Solstice with Inklingo – Intro
(my fabrics) - Free Diamond/Triangle/Square Shape Collection
(includes Chapter 1 of the handbook, pages H5-H48)
We hope you have enjoyed Bonnie’s mystery as much as we have. Thank you for joining in the fun. I’m glad we have met and hope you will visit here often.
Happy New Year! We hope 2014 is the best year yet for sewing happiness!
Linda & Monkey
Linda, your colour selection and fabric is just beautiful. I love it. Thank you so much for the EQ files to play with. Perfect thing for auditioning fabric choices for the 2nd Celtic Soltice quilt!
bonjour;j’ai entendu,ce matin à la radio,qu’il faisait tres froid chez vous,j’espère que vous pouvez vous protéger et que cela ne sera pas trop long! je pense beaucoup à vous,je vous souhaite bon courage;merci pour tous vos modèles,pouvez vous encore travailler? amitié sincère;Anne
What a wonderful surprise for the new year!
Thanks so much for the CS Collection for this mystery…I have loved doing my Scottish Celtic Solstice with Inklingo…I guess my printer dying wasn’t at such a terrible time after-all. Now I have some time to find one that will work with Inklingo.
Hope you Monkey and Russ have a wonderful New Year
Thank you Linda and Monkey for all your hard work. It’s been wonderful reading tips from both you and Bonnie. I’m especially thankful for the One Page Guides…these are brilliant and sew helpful. Have had a ton of fun learning Birds in the Air 2 at a time! Never saw that before and I’ve been quilting more than 60 years! Sew fun to learn new techniques.
Thanks again and Happy New Year 2014 to you, Russ and Monkey. May we all have lots of time to Inklingo!
Linda, I love the colors you and Monkey chose. Since this was my first mystery, I decided to go with yardage also. Maybe I’ll try scrappy next time, I just haven’t accumulated much of a stash yet. I’d like to thank you for posting all those variations that you did. Really opened my eyes to the possibilities! Thanks for accepting me on the CS FB page, I had a ball reading all the posts! And learned so much! Happy New Year!
Thank you Linda, putting this together thus far has been totally easy with Inklingo. Stayed up to watch the old year out and ring in the new sewing four patches. What a joy! The instructions from Bonnie and you made this as easy as it could possibly be. Happy New Year and I hope it is peace filled for you!
Your colors are beautiful! What an inspiration!
O MY!!! Linda you are amazing. Your instructions, your one-page guides, your support through this Mystery have been wonderful. Thank you so much. Looking forward to more beautiful Inklingo quilts.
I say again, if it weren’t for Inklingo, I wouldn’t be quilting…
~Jillian in North Dakota
Thank you Linda for such great instructions and help with this wonderful mystery! I’ve learned so much from you and Bonnie and all the fellow mystery quilters. What fun this has been! One mystery under my belt (almost!) and looking forward to many more.
Oh, Linda — what a fabulous set of layouts in this clue!! I love all the different options you’ve given us! This has been a real delight — I have learned some fabulous new techniques thanks to your amazing one-page guides and I think I’m going to have a quilt I’ll treasure!!