If you wanted to make these stars, do you know which Inklingo shape collections include the shapes?
Would you have guessed Storm At Sea? Or Celtic Solstice? You would have been correct!
That’s the problem. LOL Inklingo shapes are so versatile that the shape collections are difficult to name.
Feathered Star is easy. Oh. Wait. Maybe not. This design has several other names.
We love stars in hexagons too.
It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.
The new Inklingo Star made me realize how many of the shapes to print on fabric can be used to make stars!
When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Hunter’s Star
The Index of Shapes under the Support & Goodies tab on the website is a great resource, but I’ve added another new page too.
Here’s what may tranquilize every care, and lift the heart to rapture! When I look out on such a night as this, I feel as if there could be neither wickedness nor sorrow in the world.
Jane Austen, Mansfield Park, Ch 11
The new “Main Stars Page” might not tranquillize every care, but it is a start.
Monkey also wants to remind you that the Hunter’s Star Design Book ($20 value) is free for a limited time only. We have plans to replace it with a new free design book, okay? Don’t miss out.
If you have suggestions for ways that I could make the website easier for you to use, please let me know. Contact info.
I will be updating the Smart Shopper’s Idea Book in the next several weeks.
I will also be tweaking the website quite a bit to respond to suggestions made this summer.
If you have suggestions, this is a great time to let me know, okay?
Please have a look at the new Main Stars Page and let me know if you think others should be added. Everything is also listed under the Shop tab on the website. (This is the blog. The website is inklingo.com.)
Please subscribe (top of right sidebar), so you don’t miss anything.
Thank you for visiting!
Linda & Monkey
New to Inklingo? Order and download free shapes and start sewing in the next few minutes. Quick Start (Always FREE.) There are triangles, diamonds, and squares in the free collection—great for dozens of different blocks.
$10 Coupon! 8 Year Anniversary Special on the handbook
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If you do have a FB account, please like my page and choose “Get Notifications” or Facebook will make me pay to show you what I post.
Facebook only shows my photos to about 16% of the quilters who have liked the page unless I agree to pay.
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Gracias, Mary en Argentina!
Hi Vera,
There are 12 sizes of HST in this shape collection.
and another 12 here:
Is that what you are looking for? If I have misunderstood your question, please write back and I will try again, okay?
Hugs, Linda & Monkey in Canada
I was recently looking through different patterns that might have the size of triangle squares in it for a churn dash block my mother is trying to make. Would there be others interested in a set of many different sizes of triangle squares/half square triangles? The Storm at Sea, I already have had the size she is trying to make. HSTs are used in so many blocks it might be useful to have many sizes in one place. Thanks
Me ncanta tu pagina,y mucho más tus tutoriales..
Hello Linda,
You make my head spin with all the stars! The possibilities
of patterns are endless.
So again and again thank you so much for Inklingo.
Best Regards,