Monkey has already shown you how to make a finger pincushion in his little movie. He is a hand piecing snob.
With Inklingo, I love hand piecing, machine piecing, and appliqué, so I need finger pincushions even when I’m not hand piecing.
You don’t have to be a hand piecing snob to enjoy a portable project.
Don’t leave home without it.
I always have a sewing kit in the car just in case I am stuck waiting anywhere—in a dentist’s office, at the border, while someone else slowly savors a banana split. (My small cone disappears fast, especially soft ice cream.)
Things to Put Things In
I have some pretty little kits, but I am always on the lookout for “things to put things in” . . .
. . . so when I spotted this case at the mall, I had to have it.
Don’t tell anyone, but the teenager in the kiosk at the mall is there for people who keep their sunglasses in sewing kits.
Isn’t it elegant?
Scissors, finger pincushion with 2 needles, thread, and reading glasses. To maintain that feeling of elegance, you may want to carry a wet-wipe too. (See above re soft chocolate ice cream.)
Keep it simple.
Did you notice that I do NOT carry pins? I just carry two needles to use interchangeably as needles and pins. Carrying pins could be dangerous to other people if I drop or spill them.
New York Beauty diamonds and triangles are perfectly portable.
You may want to thread a ribbon through your bobbin of thread and your scissors to tie them to the kit.
It is also a good idea to stick a return address label to the kit—just in case. (Pun?) (I also have one on my camera case and even on my camera.)
A Beauty Tip
Inklingo’s new New York Beauty is a beauty of a portable project.
If I have a surface to work on, I will lay the pieces out in order, wrong side up, but if not, I can just sew in my lap.
I can carry shapes printed with Inklingo in the case or in a baggie, and truly stitch continuously.
Of course, hexagons are the most common portable project.
There are several sizes of Inklingo hexagons to print on fabric, and that means you don’t have to carry templates—or baste—or whip-stitch!
Inklingo hexagons go together very fast because you use a running stitch instead of slow whip-stitching.
Carry a whole bag of them with you, so you don’t run out.
Speaking of running. . .
A running stitch sounds like exercise, and it is just as fast as it sounds, but don’t fool yourself. It will not burn off many ice cream calories.
On the other hand, whip-stitching sounds (and is) just awful, and I don’t recommend it. (Why English Paper Piece (EPP)?)
You can print many sheets of Inklingo hexagons very quickly and cut several layers at a time with a rotary cutter before you leave home, or with scissors anywhere. (There are special layouts for scissors-cutting to save fabric too.)
Continuous Stitching
Monkey is a hand piecing snob, so he wants to sew all the seams by hand. I look for opportunities for “continuous stitching” by hand, like hexagons and other shapes with inset seams, but I sew the rest by machine.
Continuous stitching means more than just stitching on-the-go.
You can see continuous stitching in our little movie “How to sew a Grandmother’s Flower Garden.” Learn how to move from the end of one seam to the beginning of the next seam without breaking the thread.
Whether you are sewing New York Beauty or Grandmother’s Flower Garden or any other Inklingo shapes, Inklingo has a Design Book for you ($10 or free) with detailed instructions for hand piecing and machine piecing.
4 Questions
- Where are you going to keep your sunglasses now?
- Do you think I should visit Dairy Queen today?
- Do you have a friend like Monkey?
- Are you subscribed to the blog?
Thank you for visiting.
Linda & Monkey
New to Inklingo? Order and download free shapes and start sewing in the next few minutes. Quick Start (Always FREE.) There are triangles, diamonds, and squares in the free collection—great for dozens of different blocks.
My sunglasses stay in the drink holder of the car. I use a small tin for my applique and hand piecing.
Yes, you should go to DQ – have a Butterfinger Blizzard for me, please.
My cat Lily sews with me – she doesn’t do hand piecing.
I am subscribed through my Google Reader so I can see when there are new posts. I love to see what Monkey is up to.
Great idea, Linda! There are always extra glasses cases at our place, and they are easy to find at thrift stores too. Your case is very pretty! I think I will be needing one of these little sewing kits this summer!
Susan K in ON
Monkey gives me the giggles-‘-hand piecing snob’! Lol!
Where are you going to keep your sunglasses now? Lol–I live in the UK so I don’t need sunglasses much. 🙂
Do you think I should visit Dairy Queen today? If they have rum-n-raisin, then yes. Om nom nom!
Do you have a friend like Monkey? I have a super-mini Schnauzer called ‘Tings’ who loves to check all my quilty things for comfort. 😉
Are you subscribed to the blog? Not exactly, (being on Dreamwidth) but you are in my sidebar and I check for new posts often. You are so inventive!
dear linda!
1. I love sewing kits even I don’t need so many.
I have this sort of boxe for my glasses and because they are on my face all day I can use the box for the sewing kit : great idea!
3. I don’t have any but my real cat is a good friend!
4. I suscribed to the blog at the begining and I am always pleased to read each post
Marie from France
I never carry sunglasses because my glasses change automatically when I’m in the sun. BUT years ago I bought this lovely glasses case with a Van Gogh sunflower design to keep my cell phone. Problem was, the case is metal and I could not receive calls when my phone was stowed. Defeated the purpose. So now I have a container for a lovely sewing kit — hadn’t thought of that for a purpose for this case. Now I have to find it.
I rarely need a second thought about visiting Dairy Queen. Yes! I love Snickers blizzards.
My friend is Pika the cat. He checks out everything I sew or lay out. He’s finally decided that I can be as good a friend as his dearly departed buddy (my late husband).
Yes, I am subscribed to the blog — a very inspiring read! Thank you.
I’ve been using a glasses case for a while now.I glued a business card magnet thingy that normally goes on the fridge onto the inside to hold my needles.I love soft serve icecream and banana splits.
Sunglasses can go anywhere….sewing kits are more important.
Dairy Queen? You bet or any great ice cream place will do.
No friend like Monkey… yes I am jealous.
Your blog? Of course, new posts come straight to my email.
Well aren’t you two smart! LOL
1. My sunglasses have a special pouch that is attached to my purse when they aren’t on my face making me look very cool.
2. Chocolate sounds good although some Coldstone with a mix in or two sounds better.
3. Do my dog Belle and two cats count? They aren’t has helpful as Monkey but Belle keeps my feet warm in the winter.
4. Yep sure am and love to see what is new
I will have to keep my eyes open for a stylish case at our local thrift stores or yard sales this summer. I am amazed that you can get by with only two needles. I have to have at least 4 or 5 to pin things in place sometimes LOL
1. My specs are my sunglasses so they are permanently on my face…
2. Yes definitely, you need it. Get a double cone or maybe even triple size 😉
3. Yes I have lots of friends like monkey 🙂 most are rabbits 😉
4. Me too, subscribed at the start 😉
What a neat idea to have a glasses case as a sewing kit! I have a few old glasses cases, hmmmm maybe I could up cycle on 😉
1. I think I will just wear them all the time. They’re much sexier than my regular glasses, and ever since I put my picture on my blog, it will come in handy to remain incognito (I am almost a famous designer, you know! :-))
2. I don’t know, what do you want me to suggest?
3. No, I don’t. If I did, I would dress him up for Halloween as a vampire, and lay him to rest in my portable sewing kit!
4. Of course!! I may not know Dairy Queen, but I am not stupid. I would be checking your blog for something new 10 times a day if I did not receive your notifications.
Sunglasses can be put in my purse. If they get scratched, the glasses store replaces the lenses for free for a year : ) So therefore, the sunglass case is better used for sewing, right?
Dairy Queen? I highly recommend frozen custard instead. I mean, if you are going to splurge, it may as well be really good..and hopefully you have custard as good as our Andy’s Frozen Custard that we have here in the Ozarks!
I do not have a friend quite like Monkey. But my kitties are pretty close..they like to sleep in my sewing room while I am sewing.
Yes, definitely subbed to the blog, and your facebook pages too. I would not want to miss anything..
Wonderful suggestion for a sewing kit! And Cathi mentioned Dairy Queen. Good thing the nearest one is 2 hours away, or I’d be in big trouble! LOL!
1. If not on my face, then on my head.
2. Absolutely!! If they are small cones, then have TWO!
3. Missy my kitty, who has a “pretend butterfly” friend, courtesy of my 2012 DJSP.
4. Absolutely… have been from the start. I don’t want to miss anything.
Love your eyeglass case sew kit. I have a wonderful RED case that only has glasses in it… the glasses are gonna have to get a new home.
Thanks Linda. I need to turn in my pencil case and get a pretty eyeglass case like yours. My pencil case has been better days and is in need of ‘retirement’ anyway. I love your sweet monkey and always wanted to know where you got him? Was he a gift?
Absolutely brilliant suggestion for a sewing box to go! I’m on my way to the store tonight since I need a new claw case for my actual sunglasses too.
I am so lucky to have friends like you!
Answer to question 2: Yes. Mos def!
Sunglasses can go on the shelf when coming in the door, otherwise stay on top of one’s head! Definitely you should visit Dairy Queen today — and maybe every other day! 😉 Daphne the Duck is a very good friend, much like Monkey. I subscribed to your blog the minute you started it — almost three years ago! You’re getting close to a blog birthday!