You asked for them! They’re ready!
Star Points were requested by Inklingo quilters who want to make a Texas Star variation designed by Cathi at Quilt Obsession. (Cathi used Inklingo Shape Collection #1, which sold out years ago.)
See Cathi’s design in the header of her blog.
When you print the shapes on fabric, you can rotary cut several layers at a time to start sewing sooner and finish sewing faster than with any other method.
The results will make you happy too, thanks to the precise shapes with perfect straight grain, crosshairs, matching marks, and stitching lines.
- Alternate layouts for a choice of straight grain and directional designs.
- Sew by hand or by machine or a bit of both.
- Use scraps efficiently or buy exactly what you need.
You can even rescue a quilt you started with English Paper Piecing!
This is an Add-On shape collection, so you only pay for the shapes you plan to use.
It is up to you whether you use Star Points with hexagons or diamonds or triangles. When you print shapes with Inklingo, you can relax and be confident that they will fit together perfectly.
Star Points are so versatile that we made two sizes!
There is also a smaller Star Point in Inklingo Shape Collection # 3 (0.75/1.5 inch).
Monkey is well known as a “hand piecing snob” but even he sees the advantages of machine piecing shapes with 1.5, 2, or 3 inch sides.
Monkey’s movie includes our best tips for machine piecing inset seams. We use hexagons in the movie but the same technique works for these Star Points.
As usual, the new shapes are at a very special intro price—but for a few days only.
You can download and start sewing right away.
If you don’t want to miss anything, you can enter your email address (right sidebar). You will always be the first to know.
Coming soon:
- worksheets for Star Point so you can plan your design
- Electric Quilt project files for Star Point designs
- another installment of the lesson for the Inklingo Periwinkle Quilt (IPQ)
- more new shapes!
We have several more shape collections “almost finished.” (There is always more to do than I think there is.)
I listen to you. Shapes which are requested frequently move up the list quickly. When you request something, please include the size you want, okay? It makes it much easier for me.
We finally have some sunny spring weather in Burlington and there is a chipmunk begging on the window sill. I hope the sun is shining on you too.
Linda & Monkey
New to Inklingo? Order and download free shapes and start sewing in the next few minutes. Quick Start (Always FREE.) There are triangles, diamonds, and squares in the free collection—great for dozens of different blocks.
$10 Coupon! 6 Year Anniversary Special on the handbook
I posted this comment in another spot but realized perhaps this is better and others coming to this page will have the same question as me. I am dying to do the texas star quilt and am wondering if there are any plans to make a shape collection for that quilt? ( star point, hexagon for center of star flowers, 60 degree diamond for setting/spacing each star and larger hexagon for setting/spacing the stars for an alternate layout. I know I would love love love that collection! ( I am a mac user so the 3# CD isn’t an option for me)
Thanks Linda!
Thanks Linda,
I ordered the 3 inch diamond so I would get the needed 3 inch triangle for those windmill hexs. Love them.
Hi Sandy,
All of the hexagons (and all Inklingo shapes) are named with the finished size, so it is easy.
If you are want a hexagon to line up with the 2 inch side of the Star Point, it has to be a 2 inch hexagon. It is the same with all of the shapes.
Since the sides of the Star Points are either 1 inch or 2 inch, all of the matching shapes will be 1 inch or 2 inch.
All you have to do is look at whether the next shape is lining up with a 1 inch side of the Star Point or a 2 inch side of the Star Point. Hugs, Linda & Monkey
I have a few quick questions. I love the hexs. I have collection 1. that I was able to use last night. Would the 2 inch hex be what I need to match the collection? What size large triangle would I need to get?
Next question is the setting hexs that uses the other half. Is the hex in the center the same size as the hex in the star? If not what size hex would match my collection 1.
Thank you, thank you, Monkey and Linda! I just need to decide on fabric.
I love the brown fabrics you are using. Did you design the fabric? I am so amazed at what you have become since you started quilting. Bless you!
These collections are fabulous! Now I need to make a quilt top just so I can use a border idea I have using these star points!
I hope you get outside for a while this afternoon. It is glorious out there!