More Double Wedding Ring Designs

Yesterday was a beautiful spring day here. Russ and I had a movie date followed by a country drive. We used to go on country drives on Sunday afternoons when I was a kid.

Funny how the road led directly to Dairy Queen—my fave. Many things have changed since I was a kid, but ice cream is still the best.

I still had visions of Double Wedding Ring dancing in my head even after all of the Double Wedding Ring Quilt Designs I posted last time.

Are you traditional or not?

Inklingo makes many more Double Wedding Ring designs possible than quilters may have considered in the past.

We started yesterday morning with some non-traditional ones.

Of course, many quilters prefer something more traditional. Not everyone wants their quilts to look modern or different.


Today I start with a design with the more conventional arcs with 4 pieces (plus ends), but then I tweak it a bit too.


This might be what you think of when you picture DWR in your mind. It is traditionally done in 30’s pastels—by expert quilters.

With Inklingo, you can print the shapes on fabric and get beautiful results. You don’t have to be an expert with years and years of experience to make this one anymore!


Here it is again with a few plain arcs and without the points on the edges.


Plain arcs are re-arranged. Can we get a medallion effect?


The different Inklingo center that we used in the Double Wedding Ring Quilts yesterday makes the medallion effect more pronounced.


We can tweak this endlessly.

Should we add Inklingo arcs with 5 or 8 pieces too? Lots of choices.


Medallion quilts look great on a bed.


Another medallion variation. The arcs around the edges are the only ones with traditional pieced arcs.


Again, we can emphasize the medallion effect with different Inklingo center shapes.

No matter what design you choose, you know it will be easier to cut and sew when you print the shapes on fabric with Inklingo.


This on-point Double Wedding Ring is a combination of yesterday and today.


Chocolate or Vanilla?

Do you  prefer some of yesterday’s DWR designs or do you like your DWR to be more traditional?

Everyone doesn’t like the same thing.

That’s why they make chocolate and vanilla. Except at Dairy Queen—no chocolate! (Why, oh, why?)

The Double Wedding Ring Design Book ($10 or free) will help you decide.

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Thank you for visiting. I hope you’ll come back, and bring ice cream with you.

Linda & Monkey

New to Inklingo? Order and download free shapes and start sewing in the next few minutes. Quick Start (Always FREE.) There are triangles, diamonds, and squares in the free collection—great for dozens of different blocks.

Inklingo for Beginners

Inklingo Quiz – Just for Fun!

10 thoughts on “More Double Wedding Ring Designs”

  1. Am so very tempted! So many wonderful design ideas! I see lots of lovely DWR designs also in my copies of Quilts Japan magazine, in many sizes, and I think I will, definitely, make a DWR one of these days.

    Also, ice cream… Omnomnom! There is farm shop some miles from where I live that makes its own ice cream.
    I can vouch for the melon and ginger–very refreshing on a nice summer day!

  2. That last design is awe-inspiring!
    And the ice cream at Graeters here in Cincinnati isn’t soft-server like DQ, but it has chocolate chips as big as your cone!!! I used to work there, and I’d find the big chips and tuck them into the cone before adding the ice cream on top. It’s traditional ice cream, but I like my DWR quilts any way I can get them!

  3. You and my Dad with the ice cream…he loves chocolate but will take what ever is offered! LOL
    Traditional is what floats my boat but I do admire quilts that are a more modern take on double wedding ring. I can enjoy a quilt without having to make it myself.

  4. The designs are wonderful and so many options. Actually at the DQ in Texas, they can dip your vanilla cone in the chocolate stuff that makes a hard shell. My fave. Trivia: The first DQ opened in Joliet Illinois in 1940. Wouldn’t it be grand to know who made the first DWR quilt?


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