I’ve been playing with fabric swatches from Marcus Fabrics Subtle Sunsets again.
I may need an intervention. It is hard to stop!
White plus 4 fabrics. Approximately 35 x 44 inches.
You can print all of the shapes for today’s examples with the new Inklingo for Quilted Diamonds shape collection. (Still only $15 for a few more days.)
Same as above but swapping two fabrics to get a darker border.
Black and white tile effect.
This would be fun for an I-Spy quilt too. Print freezer paper templates with Inklingo and fussy cut novelty fabrics.
I think I would like this one more if the flowered diamonds were pieced diamonds from Quilted Diamonds 1 and Quilted Diamonds 2.
YES. Quilted Diamonds 2 is available again! It includes the 2 hour lesson on DVD.
This is my favorite—so far. Isn’t it pretty?
White with Subtle Sunsets floral, gold, and coral and the new Inklingo for Quilted Diamonds shape collection.
My next step would be to prepare Monkey’s Cheat Sheet.
I count the number of shapes from each fabric . . .
. . . and look up the yardage in the Catalogue of Shapes.
The info in the Catalogue of Shapes in every Inklingo shape collection makes it easy to determine yardage requirements. (See the 3 minute video Guided Tour to find your way around in these big PDFs.)
- White fabric: plain diamonds and small “half” diamonds (half cornerstones) for the edges (see detail below)
- Floral fabric: 8 plain diamonds for the center medallion, 24 floral diamonds for the edges (to be trimmed to a little more than half)
- Gold fabric: sashing strips A and mirror image B
- Coral fabric: cornerstones
Notice that in this design, there are small white half diamonds (triangles) around the edge. I count those too!
Notice that the coral cornerstones around the edges are half diamonds instead of full diamonds this time.
I think the edge treatment on the first one is a nice touch, but this is a simpler alternative. It would be about about 1.5 inches shorter and almost an inch narrower.
The shapes printed on fabric make this an easy design to rotary cut and assemble by machine.
I have a few more ideas for using this new Inklingo shape collection—even without hand piecing any diamonds from the QD books.
I will write more soon about the Modern Baby quilt design you can make with the new Inklingo for Quilted Diamonds shape collection. Please subscribe (top of right sidebar), so you don’t miss anything.
I’ll keep the special sale price of $15 on the new Inklingo for Quilted Diamonds shape collection for a few more days, okay? Main Quilted Diamonds Page
There are FAQ about Quilted Diamonds on the blog and you can see my first Modern Baby Quilt designs too.
I will be sharing more photos on the Inklingo Facebook page. If you are on Facebook, please “like” and “comment” and “share” my photos. It helps.
Thank you for visiting. See you again soon?
Linda & Monkey
New to Inklingo? Order and download free shapes and start sewing in the next few minutes. Quick Start (Always FREE.) There are triangles, diamonds, and squares in the free collection—great for dozens of different blocks.
$10 Coupon! 8 Year Anniversary Special on the handbook
25 Signs YOU are an Inklingo Quilter
I will be sharing more photos on the Inklingo Facebook page too, but Facebook only shows my photos to about 20% of the quilters who have “liked” the page, so the best way to stay up to date is to subscribe to the blog (top of right sidebar).