YES!!! After weeks of gardening distraction, the two new hexagon shape collections for Patchwork of the Crosses (POTC) are ready!
We know you have been waiting for these.
I have shown you examples of fussy cut POTC blocks on the Inklingo Facebook Page recently but Russ and I have been planting while the sun shines. Thank you for your patience!
You can make Lucy Boston Patchwork of the Crosses with English Paper Piecing, but it is faster, easier and looks better when you print the shapes on fabric with Inklingo and sew with a running stitch.
With Inklingo, there are no templates, no basting, no templates to remove, and the hexagons press perfectly with no bulk in the intersections!
Now you have 4 choices for Lucy Boston Patchwork of the Crosses (POTC).
- 0.5 inch NEW
- 0.75 inch NEW
- 1.0 inch – Recently expanded (details)
This is the size of the original POTC quilt. - 1.5 inch – Recently expanded (details)
There is more on the Main Lucy Boston Page on too.
All this gardening makes me feel a strong connection to Lucy Boston. She is even more famous for her garden at Hemingford Grey and her children’s books than she is for her quilts.
You can follow all the news from Hemingford Grey on Facebook too. The Green Knowe Facebook Page shows the world-famous gardens designed and lovingly tended by Lucy Boston. She gardened in the summer and sewed her patchworks in the winter.
In The Patchworks of Lucy Boston, Diana Boston (her daughter-in-law), wrote:
The hands that created these incredibly fine patchworks were not the dainty little hands that you might imagine sewing twenty stitches to the inch; they were large, practical, square-fingered hands, the color of old teak, hard and rough from vigorous weeding and the firm planting of trees and roses in the garden.
So, yes, it is possible to sew beautiful POTC blocks with triple-mix embedded in your finger nails.
Also, no matter how pretty the garden gloves look when they are new, they look better after a little planting. (Thank you, Russ!)
I feel as if I have had a little holiday and I am happy to get back into my usual routines.
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By the way, the flowers we planted beside the new steps are called Thrift and the color is Ballerina Lilac Sea. Isn’t that pretty?
They are perennials, so we will enjoy them for many years to come, just like quilts.
Monkey says, if you are thrifty, you will take advantage of the special intro sale price on the new hexagons.
Only $20, but that intro price only lasts for a few days, okay?
Even at this low price, you still receive the Inklingo Hexagon Quilt Design Book when you buy hexagons to print on fabric. You don’t even have to order. I will add it manually for you.
Don’t wait! Be thrifty!
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Linda & Monkey
New to Inklingo? Order and download free shapes and start sewing in the next few minutes. Quick Start (Always FREE.) There are triangles, diamonds, and squares in the free collection—great for dozens of different blocks.
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Just like little seeds, we now have itty bitty POTC collections that we can grow in our quilt garden and watch them get bigger and prettier every day! Thank you for the collections, and for sharing your inspiring garden patches with us!
Hello Linda,
Great to have you back afte all the gardening. Now you can sit back and listen to the beautiful flowers grow 🙂
I too love small pièces, so I will try this new collection.
ooh, I love small pieces. Thank you so much. Fern
I love making small blocks so this is must have on my list! While I’ve not yet tried fussy cutting, the possibilities are endless when it comes to this block!
I use gloves like that (new and unused) for machine quilting. They give me a good grip on things.
Oh, my goodness!! What fun awaits us all with these wonderful new miniature collections! I’ve got my window templates made and am busy auditioning fabrics.