Inklingo Ribbon Flower Quilts – Part 4 Electric Quilt

Inklingo Ribbon Flower in EQ7


There is a new, free EQ project file for Ribbon Flower, thanks to pines & curley! They gave me the project file to share with you!

Download the free Inklingo Ribbon Flower Project File (.pj7)

You do NOT need EQ to use Inklingo! Electric Quilt is a nice optional tool.
You do need Electric Quilt software (EQ7 or EQ8) to open the project file.

Inklingo Ribbon Flower in EQ7

Ribbon Flower is a tricky design to draw.

The shapes in the project file are not exactly the same as the ones in the Inklingo Ribbon Flower shape collection but it is close enough, so you can play with the many colors and fabric in EQ to design your quilt and count the shapes.

If you don’t have Electric Quilt software (EQ7), you can color the worksheets in the Inklingo Ribbon Flower shape collection instead.

Electric Quilt is faster and easier than coloring a worksheet by hand, and you can print your design.

THANK YOU, pines & curley!

Inklingo Ribbon Flower shapes to print on fabric

You will want to print the shapes (with or without seam allowances) from the Inklingo shape collection PDF. The EQ drawing has discrepancies, so you will only use this PJ7 for planning your colors and layout.

Electric Quilt can calculate the number of shapes and the quilt size for you, but the diagrams in the Inklingo Ribbon Flower Shape Collection PDF will give you a more accurate yardage estimate.

Inklingo Ribbon Flower in EQ7

Design your quilt and then prepare a worksheet and a summary on Monkey’s Cheat Sheet (or similar) and you are ready to print and sew!


Your creativity + EQ + Inklingo = better quilts + more fun.

If you have Electric Quilt software, Inklingo has dozens of free EQ project files for you.

Ribbon Flower is the newest one.
Download the free Inklingo Ribbon Flower Project File (.pj7)

I planned to write something else for Part 4 but pines & curley surprised me last night and I could not wait to share this project file with you. Part 5 is good too.

I hope you are excited to design with Ribbon Flower shapes in EQ too!

Inklingo Ribbon Flower

I’ve been sewing my Ribbon Flower quilt blocks outside this summer.

Thank you, pines & curley! You have made a lot of quilters happy!

Linda & Monkey


New to Inklingo? Order and download free shapes and start sewing in the next few minutes. Main Beginner’s Page  There are triangles, diamonds, and squares in the free collection—great for dozens of blocks.

Inklingo on Facebook

4 thoughts on “Inklingo Ribbon Flower Quilts – Part 4 Electric Quilt”

  1. So generous of you to share your EQ files pines and curley!! Thank you so very much.

    Fellow EQ user

  2. Oh, how fabulous!! Thank you, pines & curley, for sharing the EQ project file – I know I’m going to spent lots of time playing with colour combination ideas! Having the Inklingo shapes for this design is fabulous and now having the EQ project file is a wonderful treat!!


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