The Inklingo web site has some new features.
Monkey and I hope you will like them.
There is a new Search feature (top right), so you can put away your Sherlock Holmes magnifying glass and find what you want.
Monkey loves it, but he’s keeping his magnifying glass too.
There are also new breadcrumbs (top left).
Ooops, no! Bread CRUMBS, not bread STICKS. Think Hansel and Gretel.
This would have been announced several weeks ago, except that there were programming issues when we tested the site in Internet Explorer 7 (IE7), which is used by about 15% of us (including me). Most quilters browse with IE8, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari. Yesterday, a genius programmer in HOT Brooklyn NY found an answer so the menus should be working properly for everyone. (She is a star.)
Big text is easier to read, but there is a trade-off, especially if you find yourself scrolling scrolling scrolling. You might want to try text that is a little smaller so you can see more at once.
On my mother’s computer, I find it almost impossible to navigate because she has a small, old monitor and someone set the Text Size to humongous, so she has to scroll to the right to see the whole menu bar, the place to log in, etc. Horizontal scrolling is a pain. I hope this does not happen to you. We want the site to look pretty and be easy to get around.
I have poor eyesight. In Internet Explorer 7, I like Page > Text Size > Medium.
If you want to change the text size, it’s easy. This site has good info no matter what browser you are using:
You can fiddle with text size without hurting anything. Go for it.
You can’t see it, but Monkey and I also got some “back-end” improvements for managing the database. This thrills me even more than an ice cream cone with soft chocolate ice cream. There’s no telling what makes people happy, eh? (Plus, these back-end improvements are calorie-free!)
The menu has a new structure too. Notice our attempt to make SUPPORT more enticing.
I hope you will visit the site, and let me know what you think. If you have suggestions, please let me know. We listen.
Despite my cable ISP ( being blacklisted by Yahoo and Rogers (and maybe Comcast), we are having a good day!
Linda & Monkey
PS This blog has a search feature too (top right), so you can find what you want in past messages.
PPS Many of the emails I have sent since last Thursday started bouncing back to me on Sunday as a result of an inappropriate blacklisting of thousands of Cogeco cable customers. If you were expecting a reply, please let me know. I have a workaround now.
Can’t wait to try it out! That’s my next stop!
Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU… for fixing the menu problem on the Inklingo main webpage! Internet Explorer had always been overlapping menus in the past, and now that is completely fixed! And the breadcrumbs… you can tell where you came from – very nice! But the Search feature is really, really, cool! Just type in “Monkey” or “triangles” and you get right down to business!
You work so hard. It is appreciated!!!
I have tried all the new improvements to the blog and website. Very nice. I especially love the search features.
We have a soft serve ice cream shop by our new home that is all homemade. This month’s flavor, because they are in season, is Parker County peach. mmmmm!
PS I don’t think I have ever seen Monkey’s backside. He is so cute!