Watch Inklingo on The Quilt Show and Win!
You don’t want to miss this! You could win and the odds are fabulous.
1. Everyone wins with ONE click! Thanksgiving Bonus
Ricky and Alex have made the Inklingo episode free to the public this Thanksgiving Weekend!
Please tell your friends and your aunts and your cousins and everyone else.
2. Watch FREE another way.
Even if it is not Thanksgiving, you can watch free if you sign up for a 7-day trial.
This is a great option because you can watch as many of the 300+ episodes in the TQS library as you can cram into 7 days!
Monkey says TQS is really smart to do this because this will make you want to join forever.
3. Enter to win! (And the odds are great)
You could win a free book. All you have to do is leave a comment on the TQS Facebook or Instagram Page. There are very few comments so far, so your odds of winning are fabulous.
The original announcement was for quilters in the USA only but Monkey stepped in and got that fixed. Quilters in Canada or the USA can win one of 8 free books!
I love seeing your comments too but only the ones on TQS Instagram and Facebook count as entries in the give-away, okay?
4. We all win! FREE fabric sample
Monkey says we all win with this one because YOU see what Inklingo looks like up close and personal and Monkey and I are happy every time another quilter learns about Inklingo.
Hundreds of free fabric samples printed with Inklingo are flying out the door this week but there is still one left for you. (Canada or USA)
I am thrilled that Monkey and I were able to meet everyone at TQS and tape this show. Ricky and Alex, Shelly and Lilo, and everyone in the huge crew treated us like stars—especially Monkey.
If you haven’t already, it’s time to watch Episode 2911 and visit the Main Beginner’s Page, okay?
Thank you for visiting. Please share this with your friends.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Linda & Monkey in Canada
I stumbled across your site after discovering cleopatra’s fan block, but until watching the quilting show with you I wasn’t quite sure what to do with the free set of designs or even what InkLingo was. Wow was I missing out! Thank you for the free patterns, I now understand and appreciate what a novel concept this is and can’t wait to give it a go! There are so many possibilities!
🙂 Laurie
Hi Laurie, I’m glad you watched Inklingo on The Quilt Show. Ricky and Alex were both wonderful and made it the best opportunity to demonstrate Inklingo. I am very grateful to them and pleased that you can see the possibilities now. Thank you for letting me know. .
Interesting. I am going to try the freebies. I don’t do Instagram or Facebook or other social media so can’t comment there.
I understand about social media, Susan. You are welcome here. I am pleased you are ready to start with the free shapes. If you have questions about getting started, please ask.
The books , patterns and supplies are all awesome.
Thank you, Janet! I hope you have entered to win on the TQS Facebook and Instagram posts too. Good luck!
Thank you, Janet! I’m glad you are an Inklingoist!
Well, of course they treated you both like stars! You are! Sinterklaas and rhyming Pete also agree! Just yesterday I got my hands on a poem that says so. Sint told me to say sorry it won’t be in Burlington in time for Sinterklaas Eve. He could get the poem to you in time, but not the present it goes with! So, here, to provide some anticipation and curiosity:
Dear Linda
You are an artist
You are a star
TQS featured
That’s what you are!
Ricky and Alex
Justin and John
Lilo and Shelly
Their hearts you have won
Rembrandt & Titus
Were art’s biggest fuss
But today’s power couple
Are Linda & Russ
Your name will be famous
For aeons and more
Demand for Inklingo
Increasing, I’m sure
Oh how you gave Monkey
Life’s light in his eyes!
Oh how you invented
Acrylic’s demise!
Your books and your templates
Your colors in ink
I’m sure that ole Rembrandt
Could not even think
Of something so clever
Of something so proud
No crosshairs, no dog ears
For crying out loud!
NO combo layouts
No quarter inch seams
Not one quilt design
Of which Saskia dreams…
All HEAVY oil paints
Which will never wash out
And jam up your printer
To death, I’ve no doubt
He’s much overrated,
Outdated by you
Just fit for a kid
And here’s proof that it’s true!
Sint & Piet
Annika!!! You are a genius with words (and Electric Quilt). I have saved all of your poems and this is a wonderful one to add to the collection.
Haha, I can’t imagine you have as much fun with the poems as we do :-). And I would love to play a bit with EQ again, but it’s not highest on the list, with me missing important deadlines (Sinterklaas related) already!
Great designs
Thank you, Alice. I hope you are entering to win. Good luck.