Books and Fabric (2 of my favorite things)

Stack of fabric printed with Inklingo

I love combining my favorite things.

Like coffee & chocolate milk. (Actually chocolate with anything.)

Fabric and freezer paper.

And books & fabric.

So . . . I print a piece of fabric to include with every book order.


Quilting on the Go by Sharon Burgess

Quilting on the Go by Sharon Burgess

This is the newest addition to the Shop and there is a choice of THREE Celestial Star shape collections for the cover quilt.

(LOW intro price! No wonder I need to print more fabric!)


Patchwork of the Crosses

Patchwork of the Crosses

It is hard to believe I’ve been promoting fussy cutting with Inklingo since 2009. More than 8 years already!


Quilted Diamonds 2 with DVD lesson

Quilted Diamonds 2 with 2 hour DVD lesson

This is the book I recommend to anyone who wants to learn how to hand piece with a running stitch because it includes a 2-hour lesson on DVD (and fabric).


The Patchworks of Lucy Boston by Diana Boston

The Patchworks of Lucy Boston by Diana Boston

One of my favorite quilt books of all time, even though it does not include patterns.


Millefiori Quilts 3 by Willyne Hammerstein

Millefiori Quilts 3 by Willyne Hammerstein

LOW intro price on pre-orders!

The first shipment is due next week (weather permitting) and I’ll be including fabric with this book too.


Fabric printed with Inklingo

It doesn’t take long to print a whole stack.

Another favorite thing is . . . thinking about each quilter who receives the book with the fabric.

I hope she follows the instructions to print a second sheet . . .


Print on fabric with Inklingo

. . . with the FREE Diamond Triangle Square shape collection . .


Rotary cut on the lines

. . . rotary cut . . .


Sew with a running stitch

. . . and sew by hand or by machine . . .


Inklingo FREE LeMoyne Stars

. . . to make two pretty LeMoyne Stars.


Portable hand piecing

That’s what I was thinking about when I sewed these yesterday.

I sewed one by hand “al fresco” and the other by hand “al desko,” keeping an eye on email.

I can sew perfect 8-pointed stars by machine when the weather is bad.


Introduction to Inklingo

If you are new to Inklingo, this VIDEO on the Welcome to Inklingo page on the website explains how to print on fabric with your Inkjet printer.

Are you subscribed? There is more coming!

I have more to say about Celestial Star, fussy cutting, and Sharon’s beautiful book, so please subscribe (top of right side-bar). That way, you won’t miss anything.


As usual, the new Clamshell Edges and Celestial Star shape collections and book are on sale at a super-low price for a few days only.


Please donate to the Red Cross


Please remember that if you donate at least $15 to the American Red Cross between September 3 and September 10 and let me know (linda @, I will give you the new Clamshell Edges 3.5 inch shape collection, FREE.

Let’s all send good thoughts to everyone in Irma’s path and everyone who is impacted by Harvey—and remember to count our blessings for all of our favorite people and things.


New to Inklingo? Order and download free shapes and start sewing in the next few minutes. Main Beginner’s Page  There are triangles, diamonds, and squares in the free collection—great for dozens of different blocks.

$10 Coupon! 11 Year Anniversary Special on the handbook

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