I can be reached anytime through my website. My e-mail address is the same all year. linda@lindafranz.com
I am in Canada. Telephone: 905-332-0439 I enjoy email and I will always write back to quilting friends. If you have not heard back from me in a reasonable time, it may be because I did not receive your message due to Internet problems or computer failure. If you do not hear from me in a reasonable time, please write again and include secondary contact info, like phone number, address or another e-mail address. E-mail filters for SPAM can prevent my reply from reaching you, even if you write to me first! Recently, a quilter wrote with a question about the QD2 DVD and I replied by e-mail within a couple of minutes. She wrote again four days later, disappointed that I had not written to her! My reply had been filtered out by Earthlink. This kind of thing happens periodically and can be very frustrating for both of us. It can take time and detective work before we finally connect, so consider including a phone number or address, just in case. Please keep this in mind whenever you e-mail any business for information. Thank you! |