Olé, eh?

Thanks to Claudia in Spain, Inklingo Download Instructions and the Inklingo Quick Start Guide are available on the web site in Español! We needed Claudia’s help because no one at our house speaks Spanish, although Russ makes wonderful Gazpacho.

We already have Dutch (thanks to Anneke in Holland), German (thanks to Sabine in Germany), and English (thanks to Monkey in Canada), and eventually we hope to have French, Danish, Italian, and all of the languages that Inklingo quilters use.

Inklingo Shape Collections have been downloaded in at least 55 different countries now. I wonder how many languages Inklingoists speak!

Monkey is my Sancho Panza, my faithful sidekick. We are both very excited about this new connection to quilters who speak Spanish, wherever they live. ¡Hola! to the quilters who have downloaded Inklingo in España, Chile, Venezuela, México, Panamá, y Argentina. ¡Está muy bienvenido aquí!

Thank you, Claudia! Your kindness will help many quilters with the Inicio Rapido!

Linda & Monkey

PS  Monkey says maybe Antonio Banderas or Penélope Cruz are quilters, eh?

PPS  The blog archives are searchable (see top).  Have a look around.

If you haven’t tried Inklingo yet, this is a good place to start: Quick Start Guide. It is the quilting tool we’ve always wanted, all over the place!

5 thoughts on “Olé, eh?”

  1. You’re on to something, Jane! Monkey just reviewed the NASA web site and checked the qualifications for astronauts. Anyone who passes their test would be qualified to be a quilter too. 😉

  2. Linda & Monkey,
    I was watching a show on space travel and they were talking about the boredom encountered by the astronauts during the long flights. Naturally I thought of Inklingo, it’s so portable and once a project is prepped it takes up so little room. Wish I knew someone at NASA to suggest it to. Wouldn’t that be something!


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