Inklingo Index of Shapes

Inklingo Index of Shapes

One of the best resources on the Inklingo website is the Index of Shapes under the Support tab.

Any time you need a shape for a pattern, you can easily see if it is “inklingoable.”

For example, if you are making flying geese, there are dozens of sizes of Half Square Triangles (HST) in different Inklingo shape collections. The triangles are named with the finished size (excluding the seam allowances) to make it easy.

Triangles in the Index of Shapes

Inklingo makes it simple! There is no need to add 7/8ths or do any math to find the right one. All you need to know is the desired FINISHED size. The green type on the website is clickable, and it will take you to the page that describes the shape collection.

There are a few different Inklingo triangle shape collections, but triangles are also in other collections like Storm At Sea and Lucy Boston Patchwork of the Crosses.

In addition to triangles, there are pages in the Index of Shapes describing hexagons, diamonds, polygons (squares, pentagons, octagons, etc.), and shapes with curves.

Inklingo Index of Shapes

Some quilters like to print the Index of Shapes for their Inklingo binder, so Cathi of Quilt Obsession offered to create a PDF file, which she will update as new collections are added. It is on the website now—17 pages already.  Thank you, Cathi!

There are tips for printing the Index on the website now too.

The Index of Shapes is a necessity because Inklingo shapes are so versatile that the collections are difficult to name.

Blocks you can make with Inklingo Dresden Plate shapes.

For example, you might not expect to find these blocks in a collection called “Dresden Plate,” but that is where they are. You can see all of the “shapes with curves” in the Index of Shapes. (The ones above are described in the Dresden Plate Design Book.)

Monkey and I hope the Index of Shapes will encourage you to discover other great tools and info on the Inklingo website.

The best way to stay up-to-date is to join the Inklingo group on Yahoo (now on IO). Please join us online!

We are grateful to Cathi for creating the PDF, and we love receiving suggestions like hers from Inklingo quilters.  If there is anything you would like to see on the website, please let us know. We’re listening.

If only it was not so hard to name the shape collections!

Who knew that the versatility and flexibility of Inklingo would cause such a “problem.” Oh, well. Thanks to the Inklingo Index of Shapes, and Inklingo friends like Cathi, we can live with it.

Thank you for visiting.

Linda & Monkey

1 thought on “Inklingo Index of Shapes”

  1. I love the Index of Shapes and use it all the time. Thank you Cathi for offering to do the PDF as that makes it even easier to use and print.


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